:: 2003天津统计年鉴 ::


综  合
v 人口和劳动工资
v 固定资产投资
v 财政和物价
v 城市建设和环境保护
v 人民生活和社会福利
v 农村经济
v 工  业
v 建 筑 业
v 交通运输和邮电通信
v 批发零售贸易餐饮业
v 对外经济贸易和旅游
v 金融和保险业
v 教育和科学技术
v 文化体育卫生及其他
v 滨海新区
v 改革开放与市场发展
v 排 行 榜
v 区县基本情况



  Brief introduction for sample survey on population change in 2002: The reference time of survey was zero hour of November 1,2002,the principle of survey district was adopted in the sample survey. The sample survey was conducted with a multi-stage systematiccluster sampling scheme.A total of 53,740 people were selected as the sample from 17,000 households in 219 resident's committees &106 village committees in 98 streets(towns) of 18 districts(counties), its share in the total permanent population was 0.53percent. The weighed estimation procedure was adopted in the tabulation. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding existed in individualtables and didn't affect the ratio. From Table 2-10 to Table 2-14, data were obtained from the computer tabulation.




ISBN 7-89996-239-0/0·001