:: 2003天津统计年鉴 —— 编 者 说 明 ::


综  合
v 人口和劳动工资
v 固定资产投资
v 财政和物价
v 城市建设和环境保护
v 人民生活和社会福利
v 农村经济
v 工  业
v 建 筑 业
v 交通运输和邮电通信
v 批发零售贸易餐饮业
v 对外经济贸易和旅游
v 金融和保险业
v 教育和科学技术
v 文化体育卫生及其他
v 滨海新区
v 改革开放与市场发展
v 排 行 榜
v 区县基本情况

编 者 说 明 







  七、本年鉴表中的符号使用说明:“空格”表示该项统计指标无数据、数据不足本表最小单位或数据不详;“#”表示其中的主要项;由于版面原因,部分计量单位如:100 000 000用108表示,10 000用104表示。 




  Ⅰ. Tianjin Statistical Yearbook is a large-sized statistics publication to reflect various aspects of Tianjin's economic and social development, which was started in 1984 and published year after year, having become a series of yearbooks. Possessing plentiful and detailed statistical materials, the yearbook has become the most authoritative statistics publication for various circles tounderstand and know Tianjin. 

  Ⅱ. Tianjin Statistical Yearbook 2003 is written in Chinese & English, and is equipped with electric CD. 

  Ⅲ.Written materials in the book include:Survey of Tianjin, Statistical Communique on the 2002 National Economic and Social Development of the City of Tianjin ,Communique on The Second Basic Units Survey of Tianjin,"Four-step"Goal Accomplishing One Year Ahead of Time,a series of report reflecting the development of Tianjin in 2002 and so on. In order to help readers using these statistical materials better, Explanatory Notes On Main Statistical Indicators are attached with the book. Whose structure is marked in the index. 

  Ⅳ. The major data sources of this book are obtained from annual statistical report, a few from sample surveys and materials of departments statistics. Communique and materials of basic units survey are obtained from computer tabulation. 

  Ⅴ. The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurement units. 

  Ⅵ. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this book.

  Ⅶ. Notations used in this book: “(blank)”indicates the data not available or the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table.“#”indicates the major items of the total. When the unit is 100,000,000, weshorten some of them as 108,10,000 we shorten some of them as 104,so as to save the space for printing. 

  Ⅷ.As a result of joining with various census,change of statistics institution,data adjustment of special department and so on, some data in this yearbook are different with former yearbook.when using historical data, users should take the data of this book as standard. 

  Ⅸ.Since Tianjin Statistical Yearbook had been published openly, we have been concerned and supported by the readers at home and abroad.They advance much valuable suggestion on content and edition of the yearbook, we deeply thanks for this all. Based on our limited level, perhaps there are some mistakes in this book, we welcome all of the readers give us your criticism in order to help us further improving our edition level,and providing services for the readers better



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ISBN 7-89996-239-0/0·011