:: 2003 Tianjin Statistical YearBook ::


General Survey
v Population£¬Labour Force And Wages
v Investment In Fixed Assets
v Public Finance And Price
v Urban Construction And Environment Protection
v People's Life And Social Welfare
v Rural Economy
v Industry
v Construction
v Transportation,Post And Telecommunications
v Wholesale,Retail And Catering
v Foreign Economy Trade And Tourism
v Banking And Insurance
v Education,Science And Technology
v Culture,Sports,Public Health And Others
v New Coastal Area
v Reform&Opening Up And Development Of Market
v Seniority By Main Statistical Indicators
v Appendix1. Explanatory Notes On Main Statistical Indicators


Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics 
February 28, 2003

¡¡¡¡In 2002, under the leadership of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Tianjin M unicipal Government, people from all departments guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of ¡°Three Represents¡±, sought progress with pioneeri ng spirit and worked hard according to the basic requirement of ¡°keep pace with the times, strive for the best, seize opportunities, develop with high growth¡± . The city¡¯s economy kept increasing still faster on a high platform. Full prog ress was made in social undertakings. People¡¯s living standards continued to im prove. The main tasks of economy and social development in 2002 were better fulf illed. 

¢ñ. General Outlook 

¡¡¡¡The national economy of Tianjin developed rapidly and broke a new record. The gr oss domestic product (GDP) of the year was 202.26 billion yuan, up by 12.5 percent in comparable prices, the growth rate listed the first position among all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions for the two consecutive ye ars. The per capita GDP grew from 20,154 yuan of the previous year to 22,0 68 yuan, or US$ 2,666 equivalent at current exchange rate, up by 12.1 percent. 
The three industries attached equal important for the development of economy. Th e primary industry reached 8.385 billion yuan of the value-added, up by 6. 1 percent over last year, its share in GDP was 4.1 percent. The value-adde d of secondary industry was 97.875 billion yuan, up by 14.3 percent over last year and 1.5 percentage points higher than that in 2001, its share in GDP was 48.4 percent. Of which, the value-added of the industrial sector was 88.552 billion yuan, up by 14.5 percent. The value-added of the ter tiary industry was 96 billion yuan, up by 11.2 percent, its share in GDP was 47.5 percent and 1.0 percentage points higher than that in 2001.

¡¡¡¡Financial revenue sustained rapid growth. The year¡¯s total financial revenue wa s 37.581 billion yuan, up by 18.4 percent at comparable coverage, mainta ined a double-digit growth rate for 11 consecutive years. The local financi a l revenue amounted to 17.178 billion yuan, up by 19.8 percent, in which, the added value tax, operational tax and enterprises income tax were 3.873, 5.165 and 2.619 billion yuan respectively, up by 11.1 percent, 20 .1 percent and 9.6 percent. The annual financial expenditure was 30.007¡¡billion yuan, up by 15.5 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Ownership structure continued to readjust, the non-public-owned sector developed quickly. Among the gross industrial product of industrial enterprises above des ignated size, the industrial product of state-owned and state-holding enterprise s accounted for 32.4 percent, the foreign investment enterprises accounted f or 47.8 percent, share-holding enterprises accounted for 22.4 percent. T he private and individual economy developed rapidly, its share in GDP continued to improve. By the end of 2002, the number of private economy was 46.8 t housand, that of individual economy was 186.6 thousand. There were 510.7 thousand and 258.8 thousand personnel respectively in private and individua l economy. The value-added of private and individual economy was 40.517 bill ion yuan, its share in GDP reached 20 percent from 17.8 percent of the p revious year. The proportion of private and individual economy in the retail of sales consumer goods reached 31.2 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The city continued to establish modern corporate system and carry out share-hold ing reform. 80 percent large & middle-sized state-owned enterprises were ref ormed. Progress was made in reconstruction of enterprises, the government suppor ted 21 large & middle-sized groups. 
¡¡¡¡Social security system made further improvement. By end of 2002, there were 1.962 million employed staff who joined retirement security program and 0. 9136 million retired pensioners joined in general social pension management. T he coverage rate of the city¡¯s pension sustained 100 percent. Medical insurance system issued smoothly, 2.502 million personnel joined the medical insuranc e. There were 1.963 million employed who joined unemployment insurance. 
¡¡¡¡The employment structure continued to change, reemployment made new progress. 0.17 million employed personnel increased in 2002, by the end of 2002, employed personnel totaled 4.8929 million, of which, those in primary indus try were 0.8122 million, accounting for 16.6 percent of total employed p ersonnel; those in secondary industry were 2.1284 million, accounting for 43.5 percent of total employed personnel, those in tertiary industry were 1. 9523 million, accounting for 39.9 percent of total employed personnel. By the year¡¯s end, 3.4571 million men/times of people entered the city¡¯s mark ets of talent and labor for negotiation and interview, 0.7003 million reache d initial intent. A series of preferential policies made more and more laid-off workers achieve reemployment. In 2002, 0.1005 million laid-off workers w ere re-employed through various measures. In 2002, the urban unemployment ra te as calculated from unemployment registration was 3.91 percent. ¡¡
¡¡¡¡Major problems that remained in economic performance and social development incl uded: the task of adjustment for the economic structure was still hard, market p rices dropped, supply and demand couldn¡¯t adapt wholly, there were pressure in employment and re- employment. 

¢ò. Agriculture 

¡¡¡¡Agriculture developed stably. The gross agriculture product was 18.107 billi on yuan, up by 6.0 percent than previous year, of farming 8.606 billion yuan, down by 8.9 percent; of animal husbandry 6.921 billion yuan, up by 14.9 percent; of fishery 2.428 billion yuan, up by 36.2 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Obvious progress was made in the strategic adjustment of agriculture structure. The fish-breeding, poultry-raising and high quality planting became the main bod y of agriculture. The fish-breeding and poultry-raising were developing toward i ndustrialization. In the gross agriculture product, the proportion of fish-breed ing and poultry-raising was 51.7 percent, 3.7 percentage points higher t han that in 2001. There were seven major sectors, including vegetable, milk, animal & poultry, seed-breeding, flower, fruit and aquatic products. Planting d eveloped along the orientation of high quality, high efficiency and speciality. The grain areas reduced 234 thousand mu, economic crop areas increased 110 thousand mu, the proportion of economic crop in total agricultural crops rose to 51.6 percent. New development was obtained in industrialized management of agriculture. There were 108 leading enterprises with capital of over 10 m illion yuan and 1,438 special cooperated peasant organizations, involved rur al households accounted for 51.3 percent of total rural households. The foll owing is the major farm and sideline products output:

¡¡ Unit 2002 Increase over 2001(%) 


10,000 tons 137.82 -3.8
Oil-bearing crops ditto 10,000 tons 3.40 -12.9

Cotton ditto

10,000 tons 6.24 -2.0

Vegetables ditto

10,000 tons 584.31 3.5

Fruits ditto

10,000 tons 29.87 2.0

Total output of meat ditto

10,000 tons 44.88 23.1

#pork ditto

10,000 tons 26.09 19.0

beef & mutton ditto

10,000 tons 7.39 23.8

poultry ditto

10,000 tons 10.88 34.7

Eggs ditto

10,000 tons 24.47 -5.9

Milk ditto

10,000 tons 33.59 39.7
¡¡Aquatic products ditto 10,000 tons 28.56 7.9

¡¡Live pigs in hand by year¡¯s end 

10,000 heads 217.47 18.9

¡¡Pigs slaughtered during the year ditto

10,000 heads 362.36 18.3

¡¡¡¡The level of agricultural mechanization kept raising, agricultural productio n conditions were effectively improved. By end of 2002, the city had 6.127 2 million kilowatts of power of agricultural machinery and up by 1.6 perce nt; owned vehicles for agriculture 0.1291 million sets and harvester 2,600 sets. Mechanical ploughed rate of farmland reached 90.7 percent, mechanic al sowing rate of farmland reached 45.2 percent. Mechanical reaping area acc ounted for 20.4 percent of the total reaping area, effective irrigation area reached 0.3544 million hectares. 

¢ó. Industry and Construction 

¡¡¡¡The industrial production developed rapidly. The total gross industrial product was 371.772 billion yuan, up 19.6 percent; the gross industrial product above designated size(all state-owned enterprises and others with annual sales o f exceed 5 million yuan, same to next)was 332.312 billion yuan, up 22.8 percent. The industrial product of the state-owned industry was 33.905 billi on yuan, 8.6 percent higher than the previous year; of the collective-owned industry was 39.466 billion yuan, up by 10.2 percent; of the foreign inv estment was 158.723 billion yuan, up by 27.8 percent; of share-holding e nterprises was 74.374 billion yuan, up by 23.7 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The effect of large and medium-sized key enterprises on pushing development of i ndustry forward was obvious. The industrial product of large and medium-sized in dustrial enterprises was 220.066 billion yuan, up by 26.0 percent over t he previous year, and its share in the total gross industrial product was 66.2 percent. In which, the industrial product of state-owned large and medium-siz ed industrial enterprises was 30.152 billion yuan, up 8.5 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Development was quick in the high & new technology industry and pillar indus tries. The gross industrial product of the high & new technology industry was ab out 109.74 billion yuan, up 30.4 percent over last year and its share in the gross industrial product above designated size was 33 percent. Pillar i ndustries played the role of powerhouse for the city¡¯s industry growth. Tianjin ¡¯s three industries, namely electronic and telecommunications equipment industr y, transport equipment industry, petroleum and natural gas extraction became the pillar industries, the industrial product of three industries was 118.08 bi llion yuan, up 36.7 percent over past year, and 13.9 percentage points h igher than the growth rate of the city¡¯s industry. The development of new produ cts and exports of industrial products made obvious progress, the value of new p roducts of the year was 84.19 billion yuan, and its share in gross industria l product grew to 25.3 percent and 2.4 percentage points higher than tha t in 2001. The value of exports of industrial products fulfilled 82.641 billion yuan, up 31.0 percent, its share in the total sales output value was 25.1 percent. The following lists the output of major products: 

¡¡ Unit 2002 Increase over 2001(%)
Crude oil 10,000 tons 1215.94 25.3
Natural gas 100 million cubic meters 8.88 -0.5
Crude salt 10,000 tons 240.40 1.1
Electricity 100 million kwh 268.83 23.5
Pig iron 10,000 tons 247.71 8.2
Steel  ditto 482.58 10.2
Finished steels ditto 806.13 31.9
Seamless steel tube ditto 85.94 25.0
Cement ditto 377.75 13.1
Ethylene ditto 21.28 17.2
Paint ditto 11.95 31.3
Single-color printed  matters 10,000 reams 497.93 3.1
Soda ash ditto 79.46 5.5
Caustic soda ditto 63.65 14.8
Chemical fertilizer for Agriculture (100% effective content)  ditto 16.03 -20.3
Plastic products Íò¶Ö 23.23 -25.1
Chemical fiber Íò¶Ö 22.41 -2.7
Digital Program- controlled exchange board 10,000 lines 59.06 -61.7
Mobile phone 10,000 sets 2850.66 90.1
Car 10,000 9.21 80.5
Motorcycle 10,000 79.49 49.6
Internal combustion 
10,000 kw 563.42 51.0
Yarn 10,000 tons 9.18 6.3
Cloth 100 million meters 2.71 9.9
Vegetable oil 10,000 tons 19.99 -12.1
Staple Food ditto 10.85 17.6
Wine 10,000 tons 2.75 2.8
Garment 100 million pieces 2.02 -4.3
Camera 10,000 148.45 -2.7
Vacuum Cleaner 10,000 155.60 18.8
Air Conditioner 10,000 121.62 35.9
Microwave Oven 10,000 449.42 40.4
Tricolor Tube 10,000 221.89 61.9
Video-recorder 10,000 334.12 8.3
Furniture 10, 000 382.08 36.7
Electronic Piano 10,000 109.74 23.5
Electronic Element 100 million units 737.96 62.7
Monitor 10,000 539.67 25.6

¡¡¡¡The production and sales of industrial products were adapted to each other b etter, the sales ratio picked up smoothly. The sales output value was 329.265 billion yuan, up 15.5 percent. The sales ratio of industrial products was 9 9.08 percent, of which, that of heavy industry was 99.11 percent, that of light industry was 99.03 percent, that of state-owned enterprises was 101. 77 percent, of collective-owned enterprises was 96.94 percent, of foreign investment enterprises was 99.72 percent, of share-holding enterprises was 98.21 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The economic efficiency increased steadily. The sales income of industrial e nterprises reached 334.616 billion yuan, up 17.4 percent, profit and tax totaled 31.551 billion yuan, up 2.3 percent, of which, profit totaled 
17.735 billion yuan, up 2.2 percent, tax totaled 13.817 billion yuan , up 2.4 percent. The profits of profit-making enterprises were 23.536 b illion yuan, down by 0.6 percent, the loss incurred by loss-suffering enterp rises were 5.801 billion yuan, down 8.3 percent. The sales income of for eign and Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan funded enterprises reached 153.518 billion yuan, up 22.0 percent; the sales income of state-owned and state-holding ent erprises totaled 121.648 billion yuan, up 12.5 percent, profit totaled 
5.093 billion yuan, up 73.8 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The value-added of the city¡¯s construction industry was 9.323 billion y uan, up by 12.5 percent. The total production of the year for the constructi on enterprises was 34.026 billion yuan, up by 12.7 percent. The construc tion enterprises contracted a total of 15,113 construction projects, of whic h, 6,195 projects were through bidding, accounting for 41 percent of the total. Management of project quality was strengthened, calculated by the floor space of buildings completed, good quality projects accounted for 33.8 perce nt of the total. 

¢ô. Investment In Fixed Assets 

¡¡¡¡The investment in fixed assets of the city created new record, surpassed 8 0 billion yuan in 2002, was 81.16 billion yuan, up by 15.1 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the investment of state-owned units was 70.371 billion yuan, up 14.9 percent; that of urban & rural collective u nits and private & individuals was 10.79 billion yuan, up 16.5 percent. Among the investment of state-owned units, the central units completed 13.384¡¡billion yuan, down by 2.8 percent; the local units completed 56.983 b illion yuan, up 20.0 percent; investment in capital construction was 36.18 5 billion yuan, up by 17.0 percent; that in technical innovation reached 16.602 billion yuan, up by 17.1 percent. Investment in primary industry was 0.101 billion yuan, up 2.0 percent; that in secondary industry was 24.971 billion yuan, down 1.9 percent; that in tertiary industry was 4 5.299 billion yuan, up 26.9 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Key projects were constructed smoothly. A total of 53 key projects completed investment 18.691 billion yuan. A number of projects completed or completed basically, such as Tianjin Toyota Mobile, the first phase of optical fiber proj ect of Genius Co. Ltd, Lishen Lithium Battery, the second phase of Panshan Elect ricity Plant, Reconstruction of Urban & Rural Electrified Wire Netting, the seco nd phase of Tianjin Port, Cross-Haihe River Bridge of Dongting Road. 
The investment of city infrastructure increased continuously. Investment in city infrastructure construction reached 20.3 billion yuan, up 41.6 percent, of which, investment in transportation, posts & telecommunications was 9.07 billion yuan, up by 88.8 percent over the last year. 
¡¡¡¡Real estate sector continued to develop. The added value of real estate was 8. 857 billion yuan, up 4.4 percent. The completed investment in real estate was 17.584 billion yuan, up by 9.0 percent. The real estate business mai ntained its growth, the total construction floor space of the real estate sector was 21.356 million square meters, up by 14.7 percent. Floor space of bu ildings completed in the year was 7.464 million square meters, up by 8.1 percent. The role of housing reform appeared, 5.64 million square meters of floor space of spot commodity housing were sold and the sales income was 14.1 1 billion yuan, up by 4.9 percent and 10.6 percent over the previous y ear respectively. Among commodity housing sales, 97.3 percent of the total h ousing were sold to individuals in the year. 

¢õ. Domestic Trade and Market Prices 

¡¡¡¡The value-added of wholesale, retail and catering trade completed in 2002 was 19.541 billion yuan, up by 12.7 percent. The scale of buying and selling enlarged. The buying of all commodities was 120.029 billion yuan, up 7.2 percent; the selling was 174.421 billion yuan, up 11.8 percent. The volume of trade of the markets with annual volume of trade of over 100 million yuan was 33.1 billion yuan in 2002, up by 19.6 percent, Comm odity transaction markets had become the major collecting and distributing cente r, Hongqi Farm Products Market was listed among ¡°national 100 strong farm produ cts wholesale markets¡±. 
¡¡¡¡The sales of markets went up continuously. The total retail of sales consumer go ods was 94.136 billion yuan, up by 13.1 percent. All economic ownership increased all-round, of which, state-owned enterprises completed 15.622 bill ion yuan, 7.7 percent higher than the previous year; the foreign and Hongkon g, Macao, Taiwan funded enterprises completed 3.675 billion yuan, up by 8. 6 percent; private enterprises completed 12.685 billion yuan, up by 31.7 percent; individual economy completed 16.717 billion yuan, up by 22.5 percent. The retail of food was 37.365 billion yuan, up 11.8 percent, t hat of clothing was 15.931 billion yuan, up 13.3 percent; that of using goods was 39.32 billion yuan, up 13.8 percent. Modern sales way and new trade form quickened to develop, commodity circulation developed rapidly, all of these showed strong competitive power. The city had 1,800 chain stores, the sales value totaled 14.2 billion yuan, up 40 percent. 
¡¡¡¡All kinds of goods sales increased all-round, the field of consumption was widen . Rapid growth was recorded in sales of personal computer, communication means, housing decoration materials and furniture. Calculated by statistics on retail a nd wholesale enterprises above designed size, the retail of selling communicatio n means was 0.381 billion yuan, up 2.6 times; the retail of selling furn iture was 0.643 billion yuan, up 1.6 times; the retail of selling decora tion materials was 1.08 billion yuan, up 6.5 times. Vacation consumption was brisk, particularly during the long holidays of Spring Festival, Labor' Day and National Day, the retail of sales monthly increased by 17 percent, 13 .9 percent and 15.3 percent in January, May and October respectively. 
The city absorbed large investment in the field of circulation. Some internation al famous supermarket companies established chain stores in Tianjin, including M etro, Makro, Wal¡¤mart, N¡¤mart, Auchan, Trust-mart. Shanghai Lianhua and Jiangs u Suning and other domestic famous trade enterprises also set up supermarket in Tianjin. 
¡¡¡¡The construction of commercial facilities was strengthened, construction of some major projects was completed, including Gulou Trade Street, Guyi Street, Yangli uqing Trade Street, Circling Bohai Trade Building, Binhai Motor City. 
¡¡¡¡The price level decreased by a small margin. The 2002 price indexes (take 100 as of the previous year) were: 

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡1. Urban consumer price index ¡¡¡¡99.6
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡in which: Food ¡¡¡¡ 99.3
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Clothing ¡¡¡¡ 91.3
¡¡Household appliances, articles and repair services ¡¡ 96.0
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Medical, health care and individual goods ¡¡102.1
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Transport and telecommunications ¡¡ 97.9
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Educational, cultural, recreational 
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡articles and services  102.7
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Housing  103.7
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡2. Urban commodity retail price index   97.4
3. Index of purchasing price of energy and raw material 
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡of industrial enterprises 95.94 
¡¡¡¡¡¡ 4. Index of factory price of industrial products 95.85
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡5.Price index of investment in fixed assets  99.5
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡6.Selling price index of housing  101.6
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡7.Renting price index of housing  106.0
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡8. Price index of land exchange 102.8

¢ö. Open To The Outside World and The New Coastal Area 

¡¡¡¡Foreign trade continued to develop, export increased rapidly. The total of f oreign trade import and export was 22.827 billion US dollars, up by 25.5 percent. In which, import was 11.232 billion US dollars, up by 29.3 per cent, export was 11.595 billion US dollars, up by 22.0 percent, breaking the mark of US$ 10 billion for the first time. Of which, exports of general trade was 3.579 billion US dollars, increased by 7.0 percent, exports o f processing trade was 7.79 billion US dollars, up by 29.6 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The structure of exports was further optimized, electrical-machinery product s continued to keep its primary position in the export and completed 7.4 bil lion US dollars, up 39 percent, and its share in the city¡¯s total export wa s 63.8 percent. The high and new technology products export totaled 4.553 billion US dollars, up 61.1 percent and accounting for 39.3 percent of the city¡¯s total export. The foreign and Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan funded enterp rises continued to be the first place of the city¡¯s foreign trade, the export o f these enterprises in 2002 was 9.11 billion US dollars, up by 28.1 percent over the previous year, and its share in the city¡¯s total export was 78.6 percent; the export of state-owned enterprises was 2.167 billion US d ollars, up 0.1 percent; the export of collective-owned enterprises was 0.2 66 billion US dollars, up 25.7 percent. The export of private enterprises increased rapidly, totaled 0.052 billion US dollars, up 2.8 times.The st rategy of multi-markets was further promoted. While stabilizing the traditional market, efforts were also made in developing new markets, exports to Asia was 5.445 billion US dollars, up 12.4 percent; to the United States was 3.64 6 billion US dollars, up 64.0 percent; to Africa was 0.183 billion US dollars, up 40.8 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Tianjin port actively advanced, the efficiency was improved. The city opened por t to Beijing Chaoyang Port and Xinjinag Wulumuqi Port, the port function were st rengthened. The total value of import and export of Tianjin as a port was 36.5 35 billion US dollars, up by 12.9 percent. In which, import was 16.405 billion US dollars, up by 12.7 percent, and export was 20.13 billion US dollars, up by 13.0 percent. 
¡¡¡¡Foreign investment was enlarged, the investment of foreign capital in tertia ry industry increased rapidly. In 2002, the number of foreign investment ent erprise projects that newly signed agreements was 816, the total contracted investment of foreign capital was 5.812 billion US dollars, the actual direc t investment of foreign capital was 3.806 billion US dollars. The large inve stment projects increased, the number of new projects with total investment of e xceed 5 million US dollars was 123, 63 more than that in 2001, up by 1.1 times, the total contracted investment of foreign capital was 2.356 billion US dollars, up 1.2 times. Structure of foreign investment was impro ved, the investment of foreign capital in tertiary industry increased rapidly, t he contracted investment in 2002 was 1.95 billion US dollars, up by 1. 4 times. By the end of 2002, Tianjin had signed contracts with investors f rom 110 countries and regions. Among the world top 500 enterprises liste d by the Fortune, 93 enterprises had invested in Tianjin. 
Foreign technical cooperation continued to expand. In 2002, the number of co ntracted foreign projects and labor services was 501. The value of contracts of foreign projects was 0.285 billion US dollars; the turnover accomplished was 0.268 billion US dollars. Foreign technical cooperation covered 84 coun tries and regions. By the end of 2002, the number of persons who went abroad to work was 0.0119 million. Tianjin adopted the policy of actively introduc ing advanced and suitable technology from abroad, the city signed 380 techno logy import contracts in 2002, involving 0.52 billion US dollars. In 2 002, there were 39 new organization established in abroad, of which, the e nterprises which were permit to invest in abroad was 30, the total investmen t was 26.411 million US dollars, in which, the domestic investment was 24. 278 million US dollars. 
¡¡¡¡Tianjin opened its door wider to domestic investors. The contracted utilization of capitals from other places reached 9.54 billion yuan, up by 16.2 perc ent, the actual investment was 6.109 billion yuan, up by 19.5 percent. A mong all the projects, the number of projects with investment of over 5 million yuan was 159, up 38 percent. Assistance and support of Tianjin to GanShu , Changdu of Tibet and Wanzhou District of ChongQing was further enhanced and pr omoted the development of local economy. 
¡¡¡¡New Coastal Area initially completed construction, had become the model region o f the city¡¯s opening to the outside world and the biggest economic growth facto r. The gross domestic product (GDP) of 2002 was 81.27 billion yuan, up b y 20.1 percent over the previous year, its share in the city¡¯s total GDP ro se to 40.2 percent from 36.5 percent of the previous year. The gross ind ustrial product was 170.004 billion yuan, up by 24.4 percent; the invest ment in fixed assets was 28.089 billion yuan, up by 15.4 percent; the to tal retail of sales consumer goods was 13.422 billion yuan, up by 13.2 p ercent; export was 7.201 billion US dollars, up 32.6 percent, accounting for 62.1 percent of the city¡¯s total export; the number of foreign investm ent projects that newly signed was 371, the total contracted investment of f oreign capital was 3.891 billion US dollars, up by 21.5 percent. The obj ective of construction New Coastal Area within ten years fulfilled one year ahea d of time. 

¢÷. Transportation, Posts & Telecommunications and Tourism 

¡¡¡¡Transportation, posts and telecommunications speeded up development continuously . The value-added of transportation, posts and store industries in 2002 was 22.958 billion yuan, up by 11.8 percent. 
¡¡¡¡The comprehensive transport capacity was enhanced. New progress was made in cons truction of port. Nanjiang dock with transport capacity of 150,000 tons comp leted, deep-water channel of 150,000 tons and transport belt of logistics ce nter began to construct. North embankment project and container logistics center project started. Airport lines increased, passenger and cargo handling capacity of Tianjin Binhai International Airport improved by a large margin. The followi ng is the breakdown. 

¡¡ Unit 2002 Increase over 2001 (%)
The city¡¯s total volume of circular flow of cargo 100 million ton/km 6736.80 18.9
Railroad ditto 625.35 -4.9
Highway ditto 65.70 1.6
Water transport ditto 6044.19 22.3
Civil aviation ditto 0.18 12.4
Tube ditto 1.43  /
Total volume of circular flow of passengers 100 million men/km 230.65 -2.2
Railroad ditto 200.60 -3.9
Highway ditto 18.06 5.4
Water transport ditto 0.31 -4.2
Civil aviation ditto 11.68 22.7
Seaport cargo handling Capacity 10,000 tons 12906.30 13.5

Of which: import

ditto 4103.60 25.0


ditto 8802.70 8.9
Handled containers 10,000 TEU 240.80 19.7
Airport passenger handling capacity 10,000 men/times 109.21 16.0
Airport cargo & mail handling capacity 10,000 tons 4.97 10.2

¡¡¡¡Posts and telecommunications developed rapidly, modern communication means were popularized. The turnover of the posts and telecommunications in 2002 was 9.033 billion yuan, up by 30.4 percent, of which, the turnover of telecomm unications was 8.184 billion yuan. Public post was improved and new services developed quickly. Letters delivered reached 201.3248 million, up by 18.0 percent, the express mail reached 2.8767 million, up by 13.1 percent. In 2002, the city handled 0.552 billion long-distance telephone calls, up 30.2 percent. Of the total, the international calls and calls reaching Ho ngkong, Macao and Taiwan totaled 11.5434 million. By the end of 2002, th e length of long-distance optical cable reached 1,850.18 kilometers, up 64 .8 percent. The city¡¯s telephone switching system capacity had expanded to 3.8841 million lines. The number of telephone subscribers reached 2.9606 m illion, of which, residential telephone users reached 2.3275 million. The ci ty¡¯s subscribers to Internet were 1.3482 million and up by 91.5 percent than the previous year. Some new telecommunication services were witnessed rapi d development, including multi-medium, Internet, digit communication, phone info rmation service and mobile phone message. 
¡¡¡¡New development was made in formation construction. E-office project developed s moothly, e-government website opened. Tianjin Automotive Industrial Co., Ltd, Ti anjin Pharmaceutical Holdings and some major sectors opened own website; the lon g distance education on the Internet and school website developed rapidly, publi c and college digit-library opened one by one. The city¡¯s information infrastru cture was further improved. The city laid 13,070 kilometers of optical cable for Tianjin Communication Network, Broadcasting & Television Network and Comput er Network. Exchange power of broad-band network reached 1,340G, width of ba nd of city network reached 13.6G. 
¡¡¡¡By developing tourism resources and hosting festival activities, meeting and exhibition, the development of domestic and international tourism accelerated. International tourists received in 2002 were 0.504 million men/times, of these, 0.45 million men/times were foreigners. Foreign exchange income of i nternational tourism was 0.342 billion US dollars, up by 22.2 percent. T here were 0.0746 million residents go abroad and spend 1.035 billion yua n on tourism. 

¢ø. Banking and Insurance 

¡¡¡¡The service function of banking and insurance sector was further enhanced, i ts supporting for economic development was increased. The value-added of the cit y¡¯s banking and insurance industries was 7.059 billion yuan in 2002, up by 12.0 percent. The number of various types of financial facility reached 2,851 and the number of banking facilities reached 1,654. In these, 14 were domestic-funded banks, 14 were foreign banks and 1,197 were non- banking facilities. There were 45 thousand employees in these financial faci lities. There were four foreign banks approved to engage in RMB business in 20 02, the first year after China¡¯s entering into WTO. 
¡¡¡¡Banking sector ran smoothly. By end of 2002, the balance of deposit of all f inancial institutions was 301.826 billion yuan and that was 45.57 billio n yuan more than the beginning of the year. The balance of savings of urban and rural residents by end of 2002 was 148.638 billion yuan and increased 20.139 billion yuan than the beginning of the year. In which, the balance of savings of urban and town residents was 130.825 billion yuan and increased 19.088 billion yuan than the beginning of the year. The balance of savings o f the rural residents was 17.813 billion yuan and increased 1.052 billio n yuan. The savings of enterprises continued to increase, the balance of savings reached 111.535 billion yuan, increased 17.604 billion yuan than the be ginning of the year. Banking institutions enlarged the size of loans. The balanc e of loans was 251.904 billion yuan and that was 33.771 billion yuan mor e than the beginning of the year, short-term loans and medium and long-term loan s up 12.845 billion and 15.47 billion yuan respectively compared with th at of the beginning of the year., the balance of individual consumer loans was 20.132 billion yuan, increased 5.438 billion yuan than the beginning of the year. The balance of deposit was 49.922 billion yuan more than the balan ce of loans. The cash income of all banking facilities in 2002 was 508.147 billion yuan. The cash payment of all banking facilities was 512.679 bill ion yuan. The net cash supply was 4.532 billion yuan. The pace of e-bank con struction was quickened. 
¡¡¡¡Stock markets continued to develop. By the end of 2002, Tianjin companies is sued 26 shares in stock markets, 2 shares were issued in 2002. The trans action volume of securities was 117.9 billion yuan. Of which, the transactio n volume of stocks was 103.2 billion yuan. The total of regulated foreign ex change in the year was 0.916 billion US dollars. 
¡¡¡¡The insurance premium increased rapidly. Tianjin had 11 insurance corpor ations. In 2002, the insurance premium totaled 6.497 billion yuan, up by 59.6 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the premium of property insurance was 1.437 billion yuan, that of life insurance was 4.671 bill ion yuan, that of health and unforeseen accident insurance was 0.389 billion yuan. The insurance companies paid out 1.148 billion yuan, of which, the in demnity of property insurance and short-term life insurance was 0.823 billio n yuan, the indemnity on life insurance was 0.325 billion yuan. 

¢ù. Science, Technology and Education 

¡¡¡¡Scientific research gained obvious achievements. There were 1,020 munici pal level items of achievement in scientific research. In which, 32 were in the lead internationally and 197 reached international advanced level. In 2002, 13 national awards for scientific progress were received. There were 5,357 applications for patent received in 2002 and 1,827 patents we re authorized. The city¡¯s comprehensive power of science and technology listed the leading position in China. 
¡¡¡¡Technology market was brisk, scientific and technical personnel grew in size. In 2002, a total of 6,889 contracts on the transfer of technology were sig ned involving a transaction value of 3.633 billion yuan, up by 18.7 perc ent. By the end of 2002, the city had 75 city-level enterprise technolog y centers including 8 state-level technology centers. The city had 8 state key l aboratories. The team of science and technology continued to expand. There were 0.481 million technical personnel in the city. In which, there were 0.221million personnel were in natural science and technology. 
¡¡¡¡The strength of Hi-tech Industry Park was enhanced. The total of income from tec hnology, industry and trade was 49.456 billion yuan, up by 30 percent. T he total value of output was 41.638 billion yuan, up by 30 percent. Prof it completed was 1.92 billion yuan, up by 54 percent, tax was 2.185 billion yuan, up 17.1 percent. The sales income earned from export was 1.0 46 billion US dollars, up by 32.2 percent. High and new technology enterpr ises developed rapidly, the number of enterprises surpassed 4,000. Achieveme nts were gained in the construction of some industrial bases, including Huanyuan Software Base, New Energy Industrial Base and North Environmental Protection In dustrial Base. 
¡¡¡¡Education undertaking of various levels and categories were developed all di mensions. In 2002, regular institution of higher learning and advanced vocat ional and technical colleges enrolled 69.5 thousand students, up 24 perc ent, the total number of their students reached 0.1969 million by the end of 2002. There were 1,387 enrolled graduate students for doctor¡¯s degree and 6,574 for master¡¯s degree. The number of students graduated with doctor ¡¯s degree and master¡¯s degree were 642 and 2,790 respectively. There w ere 73 general secondary specialized schools with 74.7 thousand enrolled and 26.4 thousand graduated. Various levels of vocational or technical educ ation and adult education continued to develop, the newly enrolled undergraduate students of adult schools were 46.7 thousand, a total of 104.3 thousand students enrolled. 
The structure of middle and primary schools was adjusted to some extent. The re were 695 regular high schools enrolling 188.3 thousand new entrants, enrolling 447.3 thousand junior school students and graduated 128 thousa nd; and enrolling 157.9 thousand senior school students and graduated 41.5 thousand; the senior middle school level enrollment rate reached 92.0 per cent. The number of primary schools was 1,208, altogether enrolling 627.2 thousand pupils including 93 thousand new entrants, graduated 133.3 t housand. The attendance rate of school-age children was 100 percent, the enrollm ent rate of junior secondary schools was 99.21 percent. 21 high-quality senior middle schools completed construction and put into use. 

¢ú. Culture, Public Health and Sports 

¡¡¡¡Cultural undertakings were prospered. By end of 2002, the city had 15 ar t-performing groups, 19 culture and scientific technology centers, 15 mu seums, 31 public libraries and 43 film-protection units. Magazines issue d were 44.6806 million copies; books, 63.5124 million copies. The Tianji n People¡¯s Radio Station had 7 programs, airing an average of 130 hours and 7 minutes per day; Tianjin TV had 6 channels. In 2002, the city successfull y hosted a series of cultural activities, including Tianjin International Children Culture Festival, the sixth ¡°peace cup¡± China Beijing Opera Fans Competitio n, the Second Peasant Art Festival. The city established Tianjin Daily Industria l Group and Tianjin Broadcasting, Television and Film Industrial Group in 2002 . The reconstruction of Tianjin Theatre completed, Book Building put into use, Cathay Future¡¯s ¡¡¡¡Children¡¯s Art Center completed construction in 2002. 
¡¡¡¡Public health developed continuously. By end of 2002, there were 2,659 m edical and health facilities and in which, 501 hospitals, 25 public heal th and epidemic prevention and cure facilities and 21 women and children hea lth facilities. By end of the year, these facilities had 42.3 thousand beds. There were 62.1 thousand professional public health personnel and in which 27 thousand were medical doctors. The health care network in communities was established initially, the health condition of residents was further improved.
¡¡¡¡Sports made new progress in 2002. In the national games, Tianjin athlete s got 14.5 gold medals, 11 silver medals and 11 bronze medals. In th e Asian Games, the city¡¯s athletes got 6 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 5 bro nze medals. During international games, the athletes from the city won 4 gold me dal, 2 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. The national fit-keeping program was w idely developed. 

¢û. Urban Construction and Environmental Protection 

¡¡¡¡New progress was made in public utilities and construction of infrastructur e. The paved way in the city reached 4,158 kilometers by the end of 2002,covering 55.763 million square meters of space. There were 31,939 tax i and 335 routes of buses in operation, and the length of the routes reached 8,802 kilometers, up by 15.8 percent. The total volume of passenger tra nsportation through public transportation system of the year was 606.08 mill ion person-times, the average daily passenger transportation was 1.68 millio n person-times. The total volume of water supply of one day reached 3.59 mil lion cubic meters, the total volume of tapped water sold of the year was 0.554 billion cubic meters, of this total, that for living use stood at 0.313 b illion cubic meters. A total of 2.01 million households gained access to nat ural gas, the gasification rate of fuel for urban households was 95.8 percen t. The space of added heating in this year was 6.2 million square meters and the thermal rate was 74.1 percent. The city¡¯s environment greatly improved , the remaking of Yueya River and Fuxing River completed, 9 roads and 15 crossin gs were joined up. 
¡¡¡¡More efforts were devoted to the environmental control, environmental protection advanced smoothly. By the end of 2002, there were 20 monitoring environ ment stations in operation. Tianjin had 9 nature protection areas, 4 ecological demonstration areas. Phasic results had been made in environmental overall contr ol, becoming national model city in environmental protection and six environment al protection projects, including blue-sky project, blue-water project, pollutio n prevention project, ecological protection project, cell project and quiet proj ect. In 2002, the number of days in which the air pollution index was at and better than Grade II reached 274 days, 100 days more than the previous year, accounting for 75 percent of the total days in the whole year. Content of PM\- 10 ¡¢SO\-2 and NO\-2 in the air were down by 17.4, 9.2 and 13.2 percent respectively. Drinking water reso urce fulfilled the standard set for the quality. The city had 59 smoke and d ust control zones with the total space of 501.9 square kilometers. There wer e 477.2 square kilometers where the noise pollution was brought under the sp ecified level. 

¢ü. Population 

¡¡¡¡The increase of population was controlled effectively. By end of 2002, the c ity¡¯s permanent resident population reached 10.0718 million and that was 0.0312 million more than the previous year. The registered population was 9. 1905 million, increased 0.0507 than the previous year, among the total pop ulation, 3.7791 million were agriculture population and 0.0085 million l ess than the previous year, 5.4114 million were non-agriculture population a nd 0.0592 more than last year. The birth rate of the population was 7.49¡ë 0.09 per thousand points lower than the previous year. The mortality rate was 6.04¡ë the natural growth rate of the population was 1.45¡ë down 0.19 per thousand points. The proportion of population aged 65 and over wa s 10.36 percent. 

X¢ó. People¡¯s Life 

¡¡¡¡The income of the urban and rural residents increased quickly and their living s tandard upgraded continuously. The per capita annual disposable income of urban residents was 9,338 yuan, 10,002 yuan calculated on comparable coverage, up by 11.6 percent. The per capita consuming expenditure was 7,192 yuan , up by 5.4 percent The living quality was further improved, the Engel coeff icient dropped from 37.0 percent in the previous year to 36.2 percent in 2002. The consumption structure was improved step by step, expenditure for transport and telecommunication, recreation & education & culture, housing incre ased by 34.4, 28.3 and 15.4 percent respectively. New generation of durable consumer goods including household appliances and communication products , entered local families. The number of VCD/DVD players owned by per hundred urban households was 45.1, Hi-fi sets was 25.1, air-conditioners wa s 80.9, telephone was 95.8, computers was 26.3, kitchen ventilators was 75.9. The average net annual income of the peasants was 5,315 yuan, up by 10.2 percent. The number of color TV sets owned by per hundred rural h ouseholds was 105, washing machines was 86, air-conditioners was 26, cameras was 20 and motorcycles was 41. 
¡¡¡¡The dwelling condition and the living environment of the urban and rural res idents further improved. By end of 2002, the per capita using house space in the urban area reached 16.6 square meters, the proportion of residential ho using with amenities reached 86.2 percent. The per capita dwelling space in the rural area was 24.3 square meters, up by 0.4 square meters over the last year. The municipal government¡¯s 20 projects to improve the life of ur ban and rural residents were accomplished satisfactorily. 
¡¡¡¡Social relief continued to develop. 0.0263 million received social relief, 0.3014 million residents received minimum life guarantee relief. There were 15,903 beds in social welfare institutions and received 9,690 inmates. T here were 2,425 community service facilities, 98 community service cente rs. The coverage of social security network in Tianjin¡¯s rural area reached 7 6 percent. In 2002, 0.082 billion yuan worth of social-welfare lottery tickets were issued, raising 0.03 billion yuan worth of social funds. 


1. All figures in the communique are preliminary statistics. 
2. The value-added is the value of product and service produced and provided for end use by the enterprises, institutions and administrative units of all de partments of national economy and by individual businessmen during a certain per iod of time. 
3. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of the product and service prod uced and provided for end use in a country (or region) during a certain period o f time, or, the sum of the value-added of all departments of national economy.

4. GDP and the value-added are calculated at the current price of the year, where as growth rates are calculated at comparable prices. 
5. Industrial enterprises above designated size refer to all state-owned ent erprises(including sole state-funded enterprises and state-owned joint ownership enterprises), large and medium-sized enterprises and other enterprises with ann ual sales of over 5 million yuan. 
6. The Engel Coefficient is the ratio of the expenditure on foodstuffs share in the average consuming expenditure, the decrease of the Engel Coefficient ide ntify the improvement of living standards of the people. 



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