:: 2003 Tianjin Statistical YearBook —— A SURVEY OF TIANJIN ::


General Survey
v Population,Labour Force And Wages
v Investment In Fixed Assets
v Public Finance And Price
v Urban Construction And Environment Protection
v People's Life And Social Welfare
v Rural Economy
v Industry
v Construction
v Transportation,Post And Telecommunications
v Wholesale,Retail And Catering
v Foreign Economy Trade And Tourism
v Banking And Insurance
v Education,Science And Technology
v Culture,Sports,Public Health And Others
v New Coastal Area
v Reform&Opening Up And Development Of Market
v Seniority By Main Statistical Indicators
v Appendix1. Explanatory Notes On Main Statistical Indicators

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators 

Ⅰ General Survey 

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the final products of all resident units in a country (or a region) during a certain period of time. GDP is not just reflecting the development of products but reflecting the tendency of increase of all services, reflecting the scale and level in the national economy and social development. 
The GDP data obtained with production approach is the sum of the value-added of all departments of national economy, the GDP data obtained with distribution approach is the sum of the laborers reward, net taxes on production, operating surplus, depreciation of fixed assets, the GDP data obtained with use approach is t he total expenditure on final consumption, total capital formation and net export of goods and services. In the practice of national accounting, gross domestic product is calculated with three approaches, i.e. production approach, income approach and expenditure approach, which reflect gross domestic product and its composition from different aspects. 

Labourers' Remuneration refers to the whole payment of various forms earned by the labourers from the productive activities they are engaged in. It includes wages, bonuses and allowances the labourers earned in monetary form an d in kind. It also includes the free medical services provided to the labourers and the medicine expenses, traffic subsidies and social insurance fee paid by the labourers' working units for them. As the individual economy is concerned, sin ce the labourers' remuneration is not easily distinguished from the operating profit, both are treated as labourers' remuneration. 

Net Taxes on Production refers to the residual of the taxes on production minus the subsidies on production. The taxes on production refers to the various taxes, extra charges and fees levied on the production units on their production, sale and business activities as well as on some sectors of production,such as fixed assets, land and labour force, used in the production activities they are engaged in. In contrast to the taxes on production, the subsidies on production refer to the unilateral transfer of part of the government's revenue to the production units and are therefore regarded as negative taxes on production . They include subsidies on the loss due to implementation of government policie s, price subsidies to the grain institutions, foreign trade corporations' receip ts from drawback, etc. 

Depreciation of Fixed Assets refers to the depreciation of fixed assets of a given period, drawn in accordance with the stipulated depreciation rate for the purpose of compensating the wear loss of the fixed assets or the depreciation of fixed assets calculated in a fictitious way in accordance with the stipulated unified depreciation rate in the national economic accounting system. It reflects the value of transfer of the fixed assets in the production of the current period. The depreciation of fixed assets in various enterprises and institutions managed as enterprises refers to the depreciation expenses actually drawn and calculated as part of the cost. In government agencies and institutions not managed as enterprises which do not draw the depreciation expenses, as well as for the houses of residents, the depreciation of fixed assets is the imputed dep reciation, which is calculated in accordance with the stipulated unified depreciation rate. In principle, the depreciation of fixed assets should be calculated on the basis of the re-purchased value of the fixed assets. However, there is no actual condition to re-evaluate all the fixed assets in China. Therefore, the a bove-mentioned methods are temporarily adopted at present. 

Operating Surplus refers to the balance of the value added created by the resident units deducting the labourers' remuneration, net taxes on production and the depreciation of fixed assets. It is equivalent to the business profit of the enterprises plus subsidies on production, but the wages and welfare expenses paid from the profits should be deducted. 

Final Consumption refers to the total expenditure of resident units on final consumption of goods and services in a certain period, namely the expenditure of the resident units for purchases of goods and services from domestic economic territory and abroad to meet the requirements of material, cultural and spiritual life. It excludes the consumption expenditure of non-resident units o n consumption in the economic territory of the country. The final consumption is classified into household consumption and government consumption. 

Household Consumption refers to the total expenditure of resident households on the final consumption of goods and services. The household consumption is calculated at market prices, namely the purchaser's prices which the households pay; the purchasers' prices of goods are the prices the households pay when they obtain the goods, including the transport and commercial expenses paid by the households. In addition to the consumption of goods and services bought by the households directly with money, the expenditure on goods and services obtai ned by the households in other ways, i.e. the so-called imputed expenditure on consumption, is also included in the households consumption. The imputation expen diture of the household on consumption includes the following types:(a)the goods and services provided to the households by the units in the form of payment in kind and transfer in kind;(b)the goods and services produced and consumed by the households themselves, in which the services refer only to the services provide d by the residential buildings owned by the households;(c)the services of financial intermediary provided by the financial institutions;(d)the insurance service s provided by the insurance companies. 

Government Consumption refers to the expenditure on the consumption of the public services provided by the government to the whole society and the net expenditure on the goods and services provided by the government to the households at free charge or lower prices. The former equals to the output value of the government services minus the value of operating income obtained by the government departments, the output value of the government services equals to its current operating expenditure plus depreciation of fixed assets. The latter equals to the market value of the goods and services provided by the government free o f charge or at low prices to the households minus the value received by the government from the households. 

Total Capital Formation refers to the fixed assets acquired minus those disposed and the change in inventory, including the total fixed assets formation and the increase in inventory. 

Total Fixed Capital Formation refers to the value of fixed assets purchased, transferred in by the resident units in certain period and those produced and used by themselves deducting the value of fixed assets sold and transferred out. It can be classified into total tangible assets formation and total intangible assets formation. The total tangible assets formation include the value of the construction projects, installation projects completed and the equipment,apparatus and instruments purchased as well as the value of land improved, the value of draught animals, breeding stock, milk, wool and recreational animals and the newly increased economic forest in a certain period. The total intangible assets formation includes the prospecting of minerals, the acquisition of computer software, the originals of recreational works and works of literature and arts minus the disposal of them. 

Increase in Inventory refers to the market value of the change in inventory, i.e. the difference of value between the beginning and the end of the period. The increase in inventory can be positive or negative. A positive value indicates the increase in inventory while a negative value indicates the decrease in stock. The inventory includes the raw materials, fuels and reserve materials purchased by the production units as well as the inventory of finished products, semi-finished products, work-in-progress, etc. 
Net Export of Goods and Services refers to the difference of the exports of goods and services minus the imports of goods and services. The imports include the value of various goods and services sold or gratuitously transferred by the resident units to the non-resident units. The imports include the value of various goods and services purchased or gratuitously acquired by the resident units from the non-resident units. Because the provision of services and the u se of them happen simultaneously, the import and export of services do not appear to have the phenomena of crossing the border of the country. The acquisition o f services by the resident units from abroad is usually treated as import while the acquisition of services by non-resident units in this country is usually treated as export. The export and import of goods are calculated at FOB. The formul a for calculating is as follows: 
Net export of goods and services =value of export of goods and services -value of import of goods and services 

Three Industries refers to an industry structure classified according to the historical sequence of development. Primary industry refers to extraction of natural resources, secondary industry involves processing of primary products, and tertiary industry provides various kinds of services for production and consumption. The above classification is universal although it varies to some extent from country to country. Industry in China comprises: 
Primary Industry: agriculture (including farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery). 
Secondary Industry: industry (including mining and quarrying, manufacuring, production and supply of electricity, water and gas) and construction.
Tertiary Industry: all other industries not included in primary or secondary industry. 
Actual Price (current year price) refers to the actual prices during the reference period, i.e. ex-factory prices of industrial products, purchasing prices of farm products, retail prices, etc, reflecting the actually happening in current year, joining various statistical indicators on national economic, general balance among production, circulation, distribution, consumption. 

Constant Price refers to the average price of a given product in certain year, which is used for comparison of output value over time. As the output value at constant prices removes the factor of price changes, it reflects the trend of production development over time. After a period, with the changes in actual prices, the State Statistical Bureau has issued nationally unified constant prices five times: the 1952 constant prices for 1952-1957, the 1957 constant prices for 1957-1970, the 1970 constant prices for 1971-1980 , the 1980 constant prices for 1981-1990, and the 1990 constant pr ices have been used since 1991. 

Comparable Prices refer to prices that are used to remove the factors of price change in calculating economic aggregates, so as to facilitate comparison of aggregates over time. Two methods are used for calculating economic aggregates at comparable prices: a)Multiplying the output of products by their constant prices of certain year; b)Deflation of data at current prices by relevant price index. 

Average Annual Growth Rate Two methods for calculating average annual growth rate are applied in China, one is often called “level approach", or the method of calculating geometric average, which is derived by comparing the level of the last year of the interval with that of the beginning year; the other is called “accumulative approach" or algebraic average or equation method, which is derived by the summation of the actual figure of each year in the interval divided by the figure in the base year. Usually the results calculated by the two methods are fairly close, but they differed sharply when uneven economic development occurred with striking fluctuations in growth. 
    The average annual growth rate listed in this statistical yearbook are calculated by “level approach" except for the growth rate of investment in fixed assets.
The base years are not listed when the years are listed for average annual growth rates. 

Registered Status of Enterprises Enterprises are classified into 3 categories, namely domestic-funded enterprises, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan funded enterprises and foreign funded enterprises in the light of the registration status of an enterprise in industrial and commercial administration agencies. Domes tic-funded enterprises include state-owned enterprises, collective-owned enterprises, cooperative enterprises, private enterprises, share-holding corporations L td., limited liability corporations, joint ownership enterprises and other domes tic-funded enterprises. HongKong, Macao and Taiwan funded enterprises include joint venture enterprises, cooperative enterprises, sole investment enterprises an d share-holding corporations Ltd. Foreign funded enterprises include Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprises, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises, sole foreign funded enterprises and share-holding corporations Ltd. with foreign investment. Due to individuals don't belong to enterprises, individuals don't be liste d according to the Regulation of Registered Status of Enterprises. But individua ls belong to statistical category. Registered status of enterprises is different to ownership, especially, state-owned and collective-owned enterprises are different to state-owned and collective-owned economy. 

Domestic-funded Enterprises include state-owned enterprises, collective-owned enterprises, cooperative enterprises, private enterprises, share-holding corporations Ltd., limited liability corporations, joint ownership enterprises and others. 

State-owned Enterprises refer to non-corporation economic units where the entire assets are owned by the state and which have registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporate Enterprises. Excluded from this category are sole state-funded corporations in the limited liability corporations. Excluded from this category are enterprises with exclusive investment from state-owned, state-owned cooperative enterprises in the join ownership enterprises. 

Collective-owned Enterprises refer to economic units where the assets are owned collectively and which have registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporate Enterprises. Excluded from this category are collective-owned and collective-owned cooperative enterprises in joint ownership enterprises, excluded cooperative enterprises. 

Cooperative Enterprises refer to a form of collective economic units (enterprises) where capitals come mainly from employees as their shares, with certain proportion of capital from the outside, where production is organized on the basis of independent operation, independent accounting for profits and loss es, joint work, democratic management, and a distribution system that integrates remuneration according to work with divided according to capital share. 

Private Enterprises refer to profit-making economic units invested and established by natural persons,or controlled by natural persons using employed labour. Included in this category are private limited liability corporations,private share-holding corporations Ltd., private partnership enterprises and private-funded enterprises registered in accordance with the Corporation Law, Partnership Enterprises Law and Interim Regulations on Private Enterprises. 

Share-holding Corporations Ltd. refer to economic units registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporations, with total registered capitals divided into equal shares and raised through issuing stocks. Each investor bears limited liability to the corporation depending on the holding of shares,and the corporation bears liability to its debt to the maximum of its total assets. 

Limited Liability Corporations refer to economic units established with investment from 2-50 investors and registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporations, each investor bearing limited liability to the corporation depending on its share of investment, and the corporation bearing liability to its debt to the maximum of its total assets.Limited liability corporations include exclu sive state-funded limited liability corporations and other limited liability cor porations. 

Sole State-funded Corporations refer to limited liability corporations established with exclusive investment from investment institutions or departments authorized by the state. 

Other Limited liability Corporations refer to the limited liability corporations other than sole state-funded corporations. 

Joint Ownership Enterprises refer to economic units established by two or more corporate enterprises or corporate institutions of the same or different ownership, through joint investment on the basis of equality, voluntary participation and mutual benefits. They include state joint ownership enterprises, collective joint ownership enterprises, joint state-collective enterprises, other joint ownership enterprises. 

Other Domestic-funded Enterprises refer to domestic-funded economic units other than those mentioned above. 

Enterprises with Investment from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan include joint venture enterprises with funds from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan, cooperative enterprises with funds from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan, enterprises with exclusive investment from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan, share-holding corporations Ltd. with investment from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan. 

Enterprises with Exclusive Investment from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan refer to enterprises established in the mainland of China with exclusive investment from investors from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan in accordance with t he Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Funded Enterprises and other relevant laws. 

Share-holding Corporations Ltd. with Investment from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan refer to share-holding corporations Ltd. established with the approval from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in line with relevant state regulations, where the share of investment from HongKong, Macao or Taiwan business men exceeds 25% of the total registered capital of the corporation. In case the share of investment from HongKong, Macao or Taiwan is less than 25% of the total registered capital, the enterprise is to be classified as domestic-funded share-holding corporation Ltd. 

Foreign Funded Enterprises include joint venture enterprises with foreign investment, cooperation enterprises with foreign investment, enterprises with exclusive foreign investment, share-holding corporations Ltd. with foreign investment. 

Individual refer to economic units which the assets are owned by individual, where production is organized on the basis of individual operation, labours results are owned by labourer, including economic units where have registered in accordance with Civil Law General Rule and individual industrialists and businessmen or a group of citizens which have registered in urban and rural industrial and commercial administration agencies. 
Government Agencies, Institutions and Social Organization are classified into following categories by source of funds and way of management taking reference of the registration status of enterprises: 
(1)Government agencies: include state and party agencies, classified in principle as “state-owned". There are exceptions, such as supply and marketing cooperatives which are classified as “collective-owned". 
(2)Institutions: include institutions of various types established with the approval by organization and staffing department of the government, but exclude institutions where enterprise management system is introduced. Institut ions are further classified as follows: 
   (a)Institutions whose main budget is listed in the government budget appropriations or extra-budget funds, or allocated from the budget of their competent government agencies. Such institutions are classified as “state-owned". 
   (b)Institutions whose budget mainly comes from collective units. Such institutions are classified as “collective-owned". 
   (c)Institutions established by individual(individual partnership), which are classified as “private". 
   (d)Institutions other than those mentioned above whose source of budget is not clear. Such institutions are classified by way of management. 
(3)Social organizations: include social organizations established with the approval from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and organizations that are not covered by social organizations management regulations such as trade unions,
women's federations etc.. Social organizations are further classified as follows: 
   (a)Social organizations that are not covered by social organizations management regulations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, such as trade unions, women's federations, communist youth leagues, youth associations, industrial and commerce associations, scientists associations, overseas Chinese associations, etc., foundations and fund management organization established with funds from state, and social organizations whose funds mainly come from the budget of their competent government agencies. Such institutions are classified as “state-owned". 
   (b)Social organizations whose budget mainly comes from collective units. Such institutions are classified as “collective-owned". 
   (c)Social organizations established by individual(individual partnership), which are classified as “private". 
   (d)Social organizations other than those mentioned above whose source of budget is not clear. Such institutions are classified by way of management.
Type of Ownership refers to enterprises classified as various type of ownership in accordance with registered categories of enterprises after 1998.
In which, state-owned economy refer to state-owned enterprises, sole state-funded enterprises, state joint ownership enterprises, collective-owned economy refer to collective-owned enterprises, cooperative enterprises, collective joint ownership enterprises; private economy refer to private enterprises and individual.

Developed Areas refer to the land in administrative areas having been developed concentratedly with municipal public facilities. For core city, developed areas include concentrated areas and decentralized areas, having basic perfect municipal public facilities; for the city with several towns, developed are
as are composed of several concentrated areas with municipal public facilities.
Therefore, the scope of developed areas refers to actual construction land of acity. 

Ⅱ Population, Labour Force and Wages 

Permanent Resident Population refers to the total number of people a live at a given area within a period, include:(a) population with residence registered in this area and actually residing in this area. (b) population with residence registered in other area, but having actually resided in this area and having left place of residence registration more than half a year. (c) population with residence registration in this enumeration area not yet settled, i.e. residence card on hand, migration certificate, birth certificate, demobilized soldier cardrelease certificate, etc.(d) population with residence registered in this area but going abroad to study, work and dwell. |

Registered Population refers to the population with registered in accordance with the regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration Residence in public security organs in this area. No matter he is out or not, how long the time is, which is often expressed in. 

Population Density refers to the total number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area to total land area within this area, which is often expressed in the number of people per square kilometers. 

Birth Rate refers to the ratio of the number of births to the average population(or mid-period population) during a certain period of time(usually a year), which is often expressed in ‰.The following formula is used: 
Birth Rate=(Number of Births)/(Annual Average Number of Population)×1000‰ 
Death Rate refers to the ratio of the number of deaths to the average population(or mid-period population) during a certain period of time(usually a year), which is often expressed in ‰.The following formula is used: 
Death Rate=(Number of Deaths)/(Annual Average Number of Population)×1000‰ 

Natural Growth Rate of Population refers to the ratio of natural increase in population (number of births minus number of deaths) in a certain period of time (usually a year) to the average population(or mid-period population) of the same period, which is often expressed in ‰. The following formula is used: 
   Natural Growth Rate of Population=(Number of Births-Number of Deaths)/(Annual Average Number of Population)×1000‰ 
   Natural Growth Rate of Population=Birth Rate-Death Rate 

Birth Control Rate refers to the ratio of the number of births control to the total number of births during a certain period of time. 

Total of Birth Rate refers to the total of birth rate of women aged 15-49 during a certain period of time (i.e. a year). 

Marital Status refers to the actual marital status of population aged 15 and over. 

Labour Force Resources refer to the population of having capacity for physical labour. 

Social Employment Personnel refer to the persons who are engaged in social labour and receive remuneration payment or earn business income aged 1 6 and over. 

Employment Personnel Worked in Units refer to all the persons working in government agencies of various levels, political and party organizations, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, and receiving wages or other forms of payment. They include working staff and workers and other employment personnel in various units, but exclude staff and workers who have left their working units while keeping their labour contract (employment relation) unchanged. This indicator reflects the total number of laborers actually engaged in product ion or other operations in various units. 

Persons Employed in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals in Urban Areas Persons employed in private enterprises refer to the persons employed in the private enterprises which have been registered at the departments of industrial and commercial administration and are situated at a town(ie. a t own where the county government is located) for business operation or at urban areas with the level higher than a county town. The self-employed individuals in urban areas refer to persons who hold the certificates of residence in urban are as or have resided in the urban areas for a long time and have been registered a t the departments of industrial and commercial administration and approved to be engaged in individual industrial or commercial business, including self-employed persons as well as helpers and hired labourers who work in the individual households engaged in industrial or commercial business. 

Working Staff and Workers refer to those persons who work in and receive wages from their working units, as well as persons who have their work posts, but are temporarily absent from work for reasons of study or on sick, injury or maternal leave or abroad, etc, include the persons who are sent to work in other units but still receive wages from their former units, exclude re-employed retirees, teachers in schools run by the local people, foreigners and Chinese compatriots from HongKong, Macao, and Taiwan. 

Other Personnel Employed in Various Units refer to the numbers receiving wages or other forms of payment, include re-employed retirees, teachers in schools run by the local people, foreigners and Chinese compatriots from HongKong, Macao, and Taiwan working in various units, part-time employees, employees o f other units working temporarily at current posts, and employees holding the second job. 

Reward of Employment Personnel Worked in Units refer to total wages of working staff and workers plus total wages of other employment personnel, exclude living income for staff and workers who have left their working units. 

Total Wages of Working Staff and Workers refer to the total reward payment to working staff and workers in their units during a certain period of time. 

Total Reward Payment to Other Employment Personnel refers to the tot al reward payment to other persons employed in their units during a certain period of time. 

Total Insurance Welfare Funds of Staff and Workers refer to the totallabour insurance welfare funds payment to every staff and worker in various units or collective of the units. 

Registered Urban Unemployed Persons The registered unemployed persons in urban areas refer to the persons who are registered as permanent residents in the urban areas engaged in non-agricultural activities, aged within the rang e of working age, capable to labour, unemployed but desirous to be employed and have been registered at the local employment service agencies to apply for a job . 

Registered Urban Unemployment Rate refers to the ratio of the number of the registered unemployed persons to the sum of the number of employed persons and the registered unemployed persons. The formula is as follows: 
   Registered urban unemployment rate=number of urban registered unemployed persons/(urban employed persons + number of registered urban unemployed persons)×100%

Ⅲ Investment in Fixed Assets 

Total Investment in Fixed Assets refers to the volume of activities in construction and purchases of fixed assets in monetary terms. It is a comprehensive indicator which shows the size, pace, proportional relations and use orientation of the investment in fixed assets. 
   Investment in fixed assets statistics is classified into total investment in fixed assets in the whole social and investment in fixed assets in the whole city.
The total investment in fixed assets in the whole social includes, the investment by the state-owned units, urban & rural collective units, other ownership units, as well as investment by individuals. Investment in fixed assets in the whole city includes, the investment by the state-owned units, urban collective units
and other ownership units. 
   According to China's current planning management system, the investment in fixed assets in the whole social is classified into the following four parts: investment in capital construction, investment in innovation, investment in real estate s development and other investment in fixed assets. 

Investment in Capital Construction refers to the new construction projects or extension projects and the related work of the enterprises, institutions or administrative units mainly for the purpose of expanding production capacity or improving project efficiency covering only projects each with a total investment of 500,000 yuan and over. Investment of capital construction shows form of currency. It is a comprehensive indicator which shows the size, pace, proportional relations of the investment in fixed assets. 

Investment in Innovation Innovation refers to the renewal of fixed assets and technological innovation of the original facilities by the enterprises and institutions using basic depreciation funds, appropriate funds from state, technological innovation loans from domestic and abroad, as well as the corresponding supplementary projects and the related work (excluding major overhaul and maintenance projects). For the purposes of technological advancement, improvement in product quality, enlarging variety of products, promoting new generation of products, reducing production consumption and cost, promoting comprehensive utilization of resources, strengthening treatment of pollution, through application of new technologies and techniques, use of new equipment and new materials, construction of new workshops for improving existing production capacity rather than increasing production capacity is also considered as reconstruction. Covering only projects each with a total investment of 500,000 yuan and over, investment in innovation shows form of currency. 

Other Investment in Fixed Assets refers to the construction and purchases of fixed assets not listed in the investment in capital construction, investment in innovation and investment in real estate development. It includes: following projects of the state-owned units with the total investment of 500,000 yuan and over. It includes: (a) projects of oil fields maintenance and exploitation with the oil fields maintenance funds and petroleum development funds, (b ) opening and extending projects with the maintenance funds in coal, ore and other mining enterprises and logging enterprises, (c) project of reconstruction of the original highways and bridges with the highway maintenance funds in the department of communication, (d) projects of construction of warehouses with the fun ds of simple construction in the commercial department, (e) the investment in fixed assets by urban collective units and other type of economical enterprises, institutions units with the total investment of 500,000 yuan and over. 

Investment in Real Estate Development refers to the investment by the real estate development companies, commercial buildings construction companies and other real estate development units of various types of ownership in the construction of house buildings. It is finished work in monetary terms. 

Commercial Houses refer to residential buildings and other commercial houses of commercial houses development companies that are qualified for sole, excluding non-commercial houses. (1) Investment commercial houses include: (a) making a requisition of land and pull down a houses in development area, (b) funds of residential buildings construction and installation, (c) municipal administration engineering system in red line of development area, (d) residential building complementary service facilities in development area. (2) Investment in construction of other commercial houses include funds of factory buildings, warehouses and other commercial houses. 

Investment in Fixed Assets by Structure: 
Construction Project refers to the construction of various houses an d buildings, it also is called the work volume of construction, including construction of various houses, equipment foundations and industrial kilns and stoves, preparation works for project construction, and clearing up works post project construction, geological examination, land-leveling, water, electricity, team, clean road, plant trees, drilling of mines, pavement of railways and roads, highway, bridge, construction of projects of water conservancy, construction of underground air-raid shelters and construction of other special projects. 
Installation Project refers to the installation of various kinds of equipment and instruments (work volume of installation). The value of equipment installed is excluded in the value of installation projects. Including various kinds of equipment, i.e. production, power-driven, lifting, transport, transmission, medical experiment etc. and working table, stepladder railing, putting up of pipes, keep warm, paint, rot-proofing, try operation (excluding put in material try operation). 

Purchase of Equipment and Instruments refers to the total value of equipment,tools, and vessels purchased or self-produced which come up to standard s for fixed assets.Equipment, tools and vessels purchased or self-produced for new workshops by newly established or expanded units are categorized as “purchas e of equipment and instruments” no matter whether they come up to the standards for fixed assets or not. 

Other Expenses refers to investment excluded in above items, which consist of construction and installation, purchase of equipment and instruments, purchase of commercial buildings, including: purchase of animals by agricultural and forestry units, planting and operating of various economic forest, purchase of office and home furniture, purchase of instruments and vessels, compensation for the loss of land and young crops, subsidies for moving, administration expenses of construction units, and expenses on research and testing, geological prospecting and designing, joint trial running, and the other purchase introduction of technology and imports of equipment, expenses on training of staff and workers, transportation of construction machines, loss of discarded projects, power s upply station, mine harbor maintenance. 

Investment in Fixed Assets by Type of Construction refers to reflect use direction of investment in fixed assets, researching various proportions an d analyzing result of investment. It includes: 
New Construction refers to newly constructed units. In the case , in which the value of the original fixed assets is quite small, and the value of newly added fixed assets exceeds the original ones by three times, the expans ion construction is considered as new construction. 
Expansion Construction refers to construction of new major production workshop or independent production line within a factory or in other locations , or construction of a branch factory so as to increase the production capacity of the original products. Newly constructed business houses in institutions and administrative organizations are also classified as expansion. 
Reconstruction refers to technical innovation and transformation of the existing equipment and technical conditions undertaken by enterprises and institutions for the purposes of technological advancement, (including accessory facilities for production or for living and welfare purposes). The construction o f new workshops for improving existing production capacity rather than increasing production capacity is also considered as reconstruction. 

Newly Increased Fixed Assets refers to the newly increased value of fixed assets through investment, including the value of projects completed and put into production, the value of equipment, tools, and vessels considered as fix ed assets, as well as the relevant expenses as investment in fixed assets and ot her construction expansion of increased the volume in fixed assets. 

Rate of Projects of Fixed Assets Completed and Put into Operation refers to the ratio of the newly increased fixed assets to the total investment ma de in the same period. This is a comprehensive indicator, reflecting the speed o f the employment of fixed assets and the investment efficiency. 

Number of Property Management Projects refers to the number of property management projects which have been signed “property management entrusting contract” and managed by the end of reference period. 

Coverage Areas of Property Management refer to the land areas which are managed by property management enterprises by the end of reference period. 
(a) Floor Space refer to land areas of housing which are managed by property management enterprises by the end of reference period, including the land areas of residential buildings, office buildings, commercial houses and those relative housing. 
(b) Green Coverage Areas refer to the public green areas which are managed by property management enterprises by the end of reference period. 
Floor Space of Houses Managed refer to the business areas which are managed according to “property management entrusting contract” by property management enterprises by the end of reference period. 

Ⅳ Public Finance and Price 

Government Revenue refers to the revenue of the government directly disposable finance, including various tax revenue and other revenue. In accordance with the classification of the structure of the government finance in 1994 on the basis of the classification of channels for collection of tax revenue, the revenue of the central government and the revenue of the local governments have different coverage. Revenue of the central government includes 75% of t he value added tax and 100% of the value consumption tax, etc, The revenue of the local governments includes 25% of the value added tax, business tax, (excludin g business taxes of head offices of bank, profits of railways, head office of in surance company), income tax of the local enterprises subordinated to the local government, income tax of foreign, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan funded enterprises , personal income tax, tax on the use of urban land, tax on the adjustment of the investment in fixed assets, tax on town maintenance and construction, tax on re sources (excluding tax on ocean petroleum resources), tax on real estates, tax o n the use of vehicles and ships, stamp tax, slaughter tax, tax on agriculture an d animal husbandry, tax on the occupancy of cultivated land, contract tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, land value added tax, income of non-gratuitous use on the state-owned land and income of funds. Total of government revenue included the revenue of the central government and the revenue of the local governments. Now t he content and coverage of the local financial revenue is difference from that before 1994, please pay attention to distinguish when you use. From January 1,2002 , distribution of income tax changed, central government share in 50 % and local government share in 50%, the figures in 2002 are not comparable with the previous years. 

General Budgetary Financial Revenue refers to financial revenue with budgetary management through certain form and procedure by financial department s at each level, also called “budgetary revenue” before reformation of accounting system. 

Fund Budgetary Revenue refers to government fund budgetary revenue with financial management and assigned uses gathered by rules or through financial arrangement. 
General Budgetary Financial Expenditure refers to expenditure distributed and used from general budgetary financial revenue by financial departments at each level. 
Fund Budgetary Expenditure refers to expenditure arranged from fund budgetary revenue by financial departments at each level. 

Urban Retail Price Index reflects the trend and degree of changes in retail prices of commodities in urban market. Now it is classified into 14 categories by food, beverages, tobacco and liquor, garments, shoes and hats, textile s, traditional Chinese and western medicines, cosmetics, newspapers and magazine s, cultural and sports goods, articles for daily use, household appliances, jewelry, fuels , building decoration materials, mechanical and electrical products, 300 over commercials. Retail price index is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean in order to general mean price of actual surveys. The weights for calculation of the retail price indices are determined according to the retail sales of commodities. 

Urban Consumer Price Index reflects the trend and degree of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by urban households. Its content is price of living expenditures on commodities and service. It is classified into 8 categories by food, tobacco and use articles, clothing, household facilities and articles, repair services, medicine and medical articles, means of transportation and communication, recreation, education and culture articles, residence, services, including: price of purchase goods from shop, factory, market, catering trade. The weights for calculation of the consumer price indices are determined according to the composition of the consumption expenditures of household s in order to general mean price of actual surveys. 

Price Index of Investment in Fixed Assets reflects the trend and degree of changes in prices of investment in fixed assets. The investment in fixed assets consists of three components, namely the investment in construction and installation, the investment in purchases of equipment and instrument, and the in vestment in other items. Price index of investment in fixed assets is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the price indices of the three components of investment in fixed assets. Removing the factor of price change in the aggregates of investment at current prices, this indicator shows the changes in the prices of commodities and fees involved in the investment of fixed assets, and can b e used to observe the actual size, growth, structure, and efficiency of investment in fixed assets and provides reliable and scientific data for government plan ning, management, decision making, and further improving the current national ac counting system. 

Ex-factory Price Index of Industrial Products reflects the trend and degree of changes in general ex-factory prices of all industrial products, including sales of industrial products by an industrial enterprise to all units outside the enterprise, as well as sales of consumer goods to residents. It can be used to analyze the impact of ex-factory prices on gross industrial output value. 

Purchase Price of all Industrial Raw Materials, Fuel and Power reflects the trend and degree changes in the general purchase price of all industrial raw materials, fuel and power. It is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean in order to purchase price of industrial raw materials, fuel and power of part of key enterprises periodical surveys. 
Price Indices of Real Estate reflect the trend and degree changes in real estate price, including price index of land transaction, price index of real estate sales, price index of real estate leasing. 

Price Index of Land Transaction reflects the trend and degree changes in land transaction price which paid actually by developing enterprises or construction units to get land use rights before development of commodity building s. 

Price Index of Real Estate Sales reflects the trend and degree changes in real estate sales. 

Price Index of Real Estate Leasing reflects the trend and degree changes in real estate leasing.

Ⅴ Urban Construction and Environment Protection 

Area of Urban Gardens and Green Areas refers to the total area used for gardens and green by the report period, including public green land, residential zone green land, units green land, protection green land, production green land, roadside green land and suburban scenic spots. 

The Rate of Green Coverage of the Developed Zones is the ratio of gardens and green areas to the developed zones areas, which is often expressed in %. The following formula is used: 
The Rate of Green Coverage of the Developed Zones= (gardens and green areas)/ (the developed zones areas)×100% 

Public Green Area refers to green area of various parks and roadside gardens opened to the public, including waters within the above region. Of which, residential zone gardens should not less than 10,000 square meters, roadside gardens should not less than 8 meters wide and 400 square meters. 
Per Capita Public Green Area refers to public green owned by eachurban population. The following formula is used: Per Capita Public Green Area=public green area/number of urban population Per Capita Living Space of Urban Population The population in urban refer to the non-agriculture population in urban, Net living space include: bedroom, area of living room, exclude drawing room, kitchen, toilet, etc. It is calculated in order to the interior wall line of house. 
Level of Equivalent Noise (LEQ) In the specified time interval, it refer to the A sound pressure of a continuous steady state sound, with the same mean square A sound pressure as the time variant noise. This sound level of a continuous steady state sound is the equivalent sound level of the time variant noise. The smaller of the value of noise equivalent sound level (dB), the better.

Ⅵ People's Life and Social Welfare 

Employment Personnel of Urban Households refers to the persons who a re engaged in social labor and receive payment or earn business income, including the staff and workers in the state-owned, the staff and workers in collective- owned, other employed, employed persons individual business, etc. No matter he is permanent or temporary. 

Total Income of Urban Households refers to the total income of the s ample households, including wage, income from business, income from property, transfer income, excluding proceeds from sales of belongings and credit income. It is calculated on real income, no matter the income is supplied again or beforehand. 

Disposable Income of Urban Households refers to the disposable income of the sample households, including those which can be used for final expenditure and other non-obligation expenditure and savings. It refers to the difference of total income minus income tax, expenditure for social security and subsidies of account. The following formula is used: 
Disposable Income of Urban Households= Total Income-Income Tax-Expenditure for Social Security-Survey Subsidies 

Expenditure for Consumption of Urban Households refers to total expenditure of the sample households for consumption in daily life. It is classified into 8 categories: food, clothing, household facilities and articles service, medicine and medical service, transportation and communication, recreation, education and culture service, residence, miscellaneous commodities services. 

Service Expenditure for Consumption of Urban Households refers to total non-commodity expenditure of the sample households for consumption in culture and life. It excludes service expenditure paid for other persons. 

Rural Permanent Resident Population refers to people who dwell at ho me less than half a year, includes those contracted workers and casual laborers who leave hometown more than half a year and bring income to their families, inc ludes employees and retirees who dwell at rural home, excludes army and employee s who don’t dwell at rural home. 

Dependency Population of Laborer refers to average number of dependents of each laborer excluding himself. 

Total Income of Rural Households refers to the total income of the rural households during a year from various resources (including cash income and kind income). Total income of rural households consists of basic income, transfer incomeand property income. 

Net Income of Rural Households refers to the total income of the rur al households after the deduction of the expenses for the various cost, which ca n then be spent for investment in reproduction, expenditure for living consumption, savingnon-productive construction, improve material and culture life. The formula for calculating is as follows: 
Net Income of Rural Households= Total Income- Expenses for Productive Operation-Taxes-Depreciation of Fixed Assets for Production- Survey Subsidies -Expenses for present Sent to Non-rural Relatives 

Remuneration Income of Laborer refers to remuneration income obtained from employed units or employers, includes remuneration income obtained from rural organization and enterprises and other units. 

Income of Productive Operation of Rural Households refers to income obtained from family productive operation. Family productive operation cover farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, collection and hunting, industry, construction, transport, storage, post, telecommunication, wholesale and retail trade, catering, social services, culture, education, health care and other household operation. 

Transfer Income refers to goods, services, capital or asset property obtained by rural households and members but not need to return. It includes the money remitted or brought back by the members of the household who are in other places, gift income, survey subsidies, insurance indemnity, relief funds, disaster relief, retired income, pensions funds, register relief with five-guarantee s, reward income, land imposed subsidies income and other transfer income, excludes un-repay funds used for fixed capital. 

Property Income refers to financial assets or income obtained from loan and providing non-productive capital, includes interest income, bonus stock income, dividend rent income, sell franchise income, collective property income, other property income. 

Total Operation Expenditure of Rural Households refers to commodities, services and products produced by peasants and used for themselves and listed in income which used for productive operation of rural households. It includes the payment for collective units for their contracted tasks and the expenses for productive operation of rural households. Those raw material expenditures don’ t book in productive expenses if those raw materials don’t book in income. Chemical fertilizer and pesticide of warehouse don’t book in productive expenses. The expenses of rural households used for production of collective units for their contracted tasks but paid by collective units also don’t book in operation ex penditure of rural households 

Expenditure on Consumption of Rural Households That Expenditure was use on matter life and energy life by rural households, including food expenditure, clothing expenditure, residence, household facilities, articles and services , medicines and medical services, transportation and communications, cultural, education and recreation articles and services, other commodity and services. 

Full and Half Labors of Rural Households refer to permanent resident s of rural households who are able to work and actually engaged in social labor, which are factors of production and sources of rural household income. According to the relevant regulations, male aged 18-50 and female aged 18-45 are considered as full labors; male aged 16-17 and 51-60, female aged 16- 17 and 46-55 are considered as half labors. Those who are not in the above age range but able to work and actually engaged in social labor are also considered as full or half labors.

Ⅶ Rural Economy 

Total Population of Rural refer to the permanent residents in rural, including those work in other places, contract workers, students having left pl ace of residence registration in other places of which permanent population, excluding the staff and worker of receiving wages from state-owned units and having resided in this enumeration area. 

Employment Personnel in Rural Areas refers to the total number of people aged over 16 who are engaged in production and business activities that generate incomes in cash or in kind. It includes all the working laborers, no matte r whether they are within the working age or not. But students studying outside with their registered residence at home, active army, people who lost their ability to work, unemployed people and those engaged in housework are not included. The age of employment personnel are 16 and over. Employment personnel in rural areas are divided into agricultural personnel, industrial personnel, construction personnel, personnel engaged in transportation, storage, post and telecommunications, personnel engaged in wholesale, retail and catering business, other employment personnel according to the working time of main working. 

Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery refers to the total volume of products of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in value terms, which reflects the total scale and total result of agricultural production during a given period of time, which observe development level and speed of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, study proportional relations of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and proportional relations in national economic, which is also calculated labor productivity of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and value-added of farming, forestry,animal husbandry and fishery. 

Intermediate Consumption of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery refers to total value input and consumption in the process of agricultur e production and various physical products. It is classified into intermediate material consumption and intermediate service consumption. 

Value-added of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery refers to the final results of various agricultural production and trade units in money terms. It is calculated with two approaches. First, production approach: value-added of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery= gross output value o f farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery-intermediate input of farming , forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. Second, distribution approach: value-added of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery=depreciation of fixed as sets + laborers remuneration +net taxes on production (taxes on production subsidies production)+operating surplus. 

Total Power of Farm Machinery refers to total mechanical power of machinery used in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, including cultivating,harvesting, farming products process, transport, plant protection, stock breeding, forestry and fishery and other power of farm machinery. 

Rural Electricity Consumption refers to the value of consumption electricity of rural in a year on production and life, but excluding value of consumption electricity by state-owned industry, transport, basic construction units and county-run industry, urban household consumption of electricity. 

Irrigated Area refers to areas that are effectively irrigated, i.e. level land which has water source and complete sets of irrigation facilities to lift and move adequate water for irrigation purpose under normal conditions. In general, irrigated area equal sum area of paddy fields and irrigated land for irrigated engineering or complete sets. 

Forest Area refers to the area of forest land where tree and bush by artificially seed, young plant, plane seed on the waste land, barren mountain, dune, etc. during the reference period. Live rate of forest area coverage above 85% in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on t he Management of Forest Law, including the area of forest land inside farm land and the area of tree planted by the side of farm houses and along the roads, continuing area coverage above 0.066 hectare, excluding the area of sand and planted grass lands along the river. 

Number of Livestock Slaughtered refers to the total number of animal s for butchering by farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, including p arts of selling to country and markets. 

Output of Meal refers to output of having butchered of pork, beef, mutton, horse, mule, donkey, fowls, rabbit in the current year, namely the heaviness minus head, hoof, offal.
Total Output of Aquatic Products Amount of fishing (including artificially cultured, naturally grown), in respective consumption by peasants themselves or sold. It excludes aquatic (i.e. fry, fish roe, fish bait and transferred fish frompiscina, leave fish) for continuing expanded reproduction aquatic. Various fresh water plants (i.e. lotus roots, water chestnut) are not included.

Ⅷ Industry 

Gross Industrial Output Value is the total volume of industrial products sold or available for sale in value terms which reflect the total achievements and overall scale of industrial production during a given period. The gross industrial output value is calculated with “factory method”. Data of the gross industrial output value were adjusted in accordance with the 1995 industrial census. It includes the value of the finished products, the value of industrial services rendered to other units, and the changes in the value of the semi-finished products and products in process between the beginning and closing of the period. The changes between the new regulation and the old regulation: the first, calculating output value as whole price for ready source materials by themselves , calculating output value as cost for processed with imported materials; the second, the changes producing circulation above six months for the value of the se mi-finished products and products in process between the beginning and closing o f the period, calculating output value in accordance with financial accounting i n current period; the third, output value of current price excluded value added tax. It is not comparable with the data before 1995. 

Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size refer to all state-owned(including sole state-funded enterprises, state-owned joint ownership enterprises), and other non-state-owned industrial enterprises with annual sales of over 5 million yuan. 
Industrial Sector Classification State draws up the new industrial classification of China Industrial Classification and Codes by Sector of the National Economy (GB/T4754-94). Industry is classified into three categories, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, production & supply of power, gas & water. Enterprises are classified according to the use of products or the materials used or technical purpose of production, it is not classified according to enterprises ad ministration system. 

Light Industry refers to the industry that produces consumer goods and hand tools. It consists of two categories depending on the materials used: 
   (a) Industries using farm products as raw materials. These are branches of light industry which directly or indirectly use farm products as basic raw materials, including cotton, wool, hemp, silk reeling, textile and garment, leather and related products, paper making and paper products, food production, beverages production, tobacco processing, etc. 
   (b) Industries using non-farm products as raw materials. These are branches of light industry which use manufactured goods as raw materials, including metal pro ducts for daily use, chemical products for daily use, chemical fiber and related products, salt, glass & pottery products for daily use, farm tools in iron, far m tools in bamboo, craftsman tools, etc. 

Heavy Industry refers to the industry which produces capital goods, and provides various sectors of the national economy with necessary material and technical basis. It consists of the following three branches according to the purpose of production or the use of products: 
   (a) Mining, Quarrying and Logging Industry refers to the industry that extracts natural resources, including extraction of petroleum, coal, metal and non-metal ores and logging. 
   (b) Raw Materials Industry refers to the industry that provides various sectors of the national economy with raw materials, fuels and power. It includes smelting and processing of metals, coking and coke chemistry, chemical materials and building materials such as cement, plywood, and power, petroleum refining and coal dressing. 
   (c) Manufacturing Industry refers to the industry that processes raw materials. I t includes machinery equipment industry which equips sectors of the national economy, industries of metal structure and cement products, industries producing means of agricultural production, such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 

Large, Medium, Small-sized Enterprises There are two method of classification according to state unified standard. Industrial enterprises which produce unitary products are classified according to production capacity, i.e. electricity, coal, crude oil, steel, non-ferrous metals, sulfuric acid, caustic soda, soda ash, synthetic ammonia, power sets, motor vehicles, tractors, watch, sewing machine, bicycle. Industrial enterprises which produce multi-products are classified by original value of fixed assets. 

Capital Obtained refers to capital actually received by the enterpri se from investors. It can be further classified by investors as state capital, collective capital, corporate capital, individual capital, foreign capital and capital from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan. Of which, state capital is the venture capital by the government departments or the government apparatus from state-own ed assets, foreign capital is the venture capital by investors from foreign, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan capital is the venture capital by investors from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan. 

Sales Revenue of Products refers to the revenue from the sales of products by industrial enterprises and the revenue from services provided, etc. Sa les revenue of industrial products are calculated in accordance with the regulat ion of the new accounting system “the products have been send out, service fees have been drawn, amounts are calculated in accordance with the principles of the receipt for money paid”. Sales revenue of industrial products include value added tax in 1994 on the basis of the classification of channels for collection of tax revenue, it is not comparable with the data of before 1994. 

Sales Cost of Products refers to the actual cost of products of industrial enterprises and industrial services provided, etc. It is calculated by ma king cost method, is different the cost by totally cost method with the old regulation. Totally cost method includes all cost, making cost method includes only the relative costs of production and operation, put other costs into profits and loss in the current period. 
Sales Expenses of Products refers to the expenses of selling product s of industrial enterprises and industrial services provided, which is included the expenses on transportation, load and unload, package, insurance, exhibition, advertisement and wage of staff and workers of sales department, welfare, business. It is not comparable with the data of before 1994. 

Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products In accordance with the classification of the structure of the government finance in 1994 on the basis of the classification of channels for collection of tax revenues, had revoked product taxsalesrevenue include value added tax. New tax and extra charges on sales of products include the tax on consumption tax, city maintenance and construction, resources tax and extra charges for education, which is not comparable with the data before 1994. 

Sales Profit of Products refers to the profit gained by the enterprises by deducting cost, charges and taxes from the business income of the enterprises obtained in selling products and providing industrial services. Sales revenue of industrial products, sales cost of industrial products, sales expenses of industrial products, tax and extra charges on sales of products by reason of changes, thus sales profit of products is not comparable with the data before 1994. 

Business Profits refers to the profits on producing and operating by the enterprises, including main operating profits and other profits. Business profits are the business income minus business costs, business expenses (including expenses of sales, overhead costs, financial expenses), business taxes. 

Total Profits refers to the profits gained by the enterprises in a certain period (“-” express loss making), which reflects the economicefficiency from various aspects, it is the result of the final finance, is key indicator for comprehensively measuring the management levels of production and operation. Total profits added investment income, is not comparable with the data before 1 994. 

Total Value of Profit and Tax (Pre-tax) refers to the sum of the tot al net profits, products sales tax & surcharges and the value added tax payable of industrial enterprises, namely pre-tax profits. 

Total Energy Consumption refers to the total consumption of energy o f various kinds by industrial enterprises on producing process, includes raw materials, fuels and power, craft. 

Energy Conversed to Ton-standard-coal Various energies are conversed into the standard coal equivalent, because the unit of original calculation is not sameheat value is not same. 

Ⅸ Construction 

Gross Output Value of Construction refers to total of construction products, expressed in money terms, completed by construction and installation enterprises during a given period of time. It includes three parts: 
(a) Output Value of Construction Projects is the value of projects covered by the project budgets, including the value of various buildings and structures, the value of the installation projects of central heating, public health , ventilation, lighting, gas, etc., the building of the base of equipment, pillar, operation desk, ladder, funnel, water tower, the building boiler room and installation of metals construction, arrange construction site, level the land, temporary expenses of water, electrical, pave the way, cutting mine, well drilling construction of oil, gas, the building engineering of railways, highways, port and bridges, water engineering, output value of building decoration, air defense, underground. 
(b) Output Value of Installation Projects is the value of the installation of equipment, (excluding the value of the equipment to be installed), mainly including production, power, lifting, transportation, medical treatment, experimentation, telecommunications, fiber optics, telephone, computer, electronic equipment, working desk, ladder, banisters, insulation, heat preservation, paint , etc. 
(c) Other Output Value refers to output value outside of output value of construction projects and installation projects. It includes output value o f repair of buildings and structures, output value of manufactured non-standard equipment, management fee of chief contractor received from subcontractor, other output value of construction. 
a. Output value of repair of buildings and structures, that is the value created through the repairs of buildings or structures, but does not include the value of buildings or structures being repaired and the value of the repair of production equipment. 
b. Output value of manufactured non-standard equipment, that is the value of non-standard production equipment(including raw materials and manufacturing cost) made for the construction projects.

Ⅹ Transportation, Post and Telecommunications 

Freight Traffic refers to the volume (tons) of freight transported with various traffic facilities. 

Turnover Volume of Freight Traffic refers to the sum of the volume o f transported cargo multiplying by the transport distance. 

Passengers Traffic refers to the sum of the passengers transported in some time. 

Turnover Volume of Passengers Traffic refers to the sum of the volume of transported passengers multiplied by the transport distance. 

Ports Cargo Handled Capacity refers to the volume of cargo passing in and out the harbor area and having been loaded and unloaded. The volume of freight handled may be classified as in-port & out-port. It can also be classified as national trade and international trade by the attribute of trade or be classified by the classification of cargo according to the standard of traffic in use “The Classification and Code of Transported Cargo”. 

Business Volume of Post and Telecommunications (also called business volume of communications) refers to the total value of the information delivered and other posts and telecommunications services provided by the post and telecommunications departments for the customers. It is a comprehensive gross index t o observe the trend of development and change of telecommunications services. It can be classified as post services and telecommunications services by major. Telecommunications services can also be classified as local communications service volume, communications service volume of long distance, mobile communications service volume, digital mobile communications service volume, telegraph service volumeetc. It is classified as national communications service volume, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and international communications service volume by region.

Ⅺ Wholesale, Retail Trade and Catering 

Wholesale and Retail Trade refers to domestic trade, foreign trade, commodities supply and marketing, in 1994 on the basis of the classification of channels according to state unified standard “national economic classification and code” (GB/T4754-94), including the circulation of commodities in the wholesale and retail trades. 

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods refers to the sum of retail sales of consumer goods to urban and rural residents and social groups by the establishments in wholesale, retail, catering, manufacturing and other industries of various ownerships. 

Total Purchases of Commodities refers to the total value of purchase s of commodities by the establishments from other establishments or individuals (including direct import from abroad) for the purpose of re-selling, either with or without further processing of the commodities purchased. The total purchases include: (a) agricultural and industrial products purchased from producers, (b) commodities purchased from wholesale and retail trades, (c) commodities directly imported from abroad, (d) commodities purchased from other units. This indicat or issued to show the total value of purchases of commodities by wholesale and retail establishments from domestic and overseas markets. 

Total Sales of Commodities refers to selling of commodities by the establishments to other establishments and individuals (including direct export). The total sales include: (a) commodities sold to establishments in industry, wholesale and retail trades for their production and operation, (b) commodities for direct export to other countries, (c) commodities sold to urban and rural residents and social groups for their consumption. This indicator is used to show the total value of sales of commodities at domestic markets and export.
Sales Revenue (Business income) refers to the sales revenue of whole sale and retail trades, incomes of selling goods on a commission and catering trade. Value added tax is not included. It is not comparable with the data before 1994. 

Net sales Revenue Sales revenue in wholesale and retail trades minus discount of sales. 

Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Commodity include the tax on city maintenance and construction and extra charges for education in accordance with the classification of the structure of the government finance in 1994 on the bas is of the classification of channels for collection of tax revenues, excluding value added tax. It is not comparable with the data before 1994.

Ⅻ Foreign Economic Trade Cooperation and Tourism 

Utilization of Foreign Capital includes foreign loans, foreign direct investment, other foreign investment. Foreign capital includes cash, foods, in dustrial property right, special technique, etc. 

Foreign Borrowings refer to funds borrowed from abroad by the Chinese government at all levels, by various departments, enterprises(excluding foreign-funded enterprises), Bank of China and other economic units. It includes: (a) loans of foreign governments, (b) loans of international financial institutions, (c) commercial loans of foreign banks, (d) export credit of foreign banks, (e) bonds, shares issued abroad and the funds that local departments (enterprises) directly borrow from abroad, etc. 

Direct Investment by Foreign Enterprises refers to the investment in side China by foreign enterprises and economic organizations or individuals (including overseas Chinese, compatriots from HongKong and Macao, and Chinese enter prises registered abroad), following the relevant policies and laws of China and using cash, practicalities technology, for the establishment of ventures exclusively with foreign own investment, sino-foreign joint ventures and cooperative enterprises or for cooperative exploration of resources with enterprises or economic organizations in China. 

Other Investment by Foreign Enterprises refers to the investments of excluding foreign borrowings, direct investment by foreign enterprises. It mainly includes (a) compensation trade, (b) provided equipment as price by foreign, (c) international renting (d) other. Actual investment in current year, include actual investment in current year or signed in previous years. 

Direct Foreign Investment Contracted refer to the total capital that according to the contract, foreign investor should provide. It includes the investment & equipment directly offered by foreign investor and the foreign loans promised by foreign investor. 
Foreign Capital Actually Used refers to foreign actual investment of which the signed agreements & contracts. Foreign capital actually used, following actual allocated funds for loans, following actual investment for direct investment by foreign enterprises, following actual coming merchandises for other foreign investment. 

Total Imports and Exports at Customs refer to the value of commodities imported into and exported from the boundary of China. Imports and exports trade are the base on customs supervision, being divided into: common trade, supplies and gifts as aid given gratis between governments and by the United Nations and other international organizations, and contributions donated by overseas Chinese, compatriots in HongKong and Macao and Chinese with foreign citizenship, compensation trade, the processing and assembling trades and materials, imported and exported commodities processed with imported materials, consignment and commission agent trade, commodities trading in border areas, overseas projects contracted, leasing trade, imported equipments & goods by foreign enterprises, processed trade with exported materials, barter trade, tax-free goods, imported and ex ported goods sold in China from bonded warehouses and other imported or exported goods. 

Total Imports and Exports of Main Business Units of Tianjin (Foreign Trade Imports & Exports) include those at Tianjin customs and other customs. The data of customs statistics has been used since January 1999.

Ⅹ Ⅲ Banking and Insurance 

Insurance Density refers to per capita premiums which is based on permanent resident population. 

Insurance Depth refers to the proportion of premiums to gross domestic product. 

Deposit is a form of credit by which enterprises, institutions, organizations or households can put money into banks and other credit institutions f or safekeeping and interest earning under the principle of free withdrawal. According to different depositors, deposits are divided into enterprise deposits, treasury deposits, urban and rural savings deposits, rural deposits, entrust and other deposits. Deposits are major sources of credit funds of banks. 

Loan is a from of credit by which banks and other credit institution s provide funds at certain interest rate to enterprises and individuals in the light of the principle of unconditional repayment. Loans from Chinese banks include industry loans, agriculture loans, commerce loans, construction loans, loans to private and individuals, township enterprises loans, medium & long term loans , entrust and other loans. 

Amount Insured refers to the maximum that the insurant will get for the claim of the case insured. 

Premium is the fee paid by the insurant to the insurer to obtain the obligation of compensation from the insurance within the agreed terms. 

Settled Claim is the compensation paid by the insurer to insurant in accordance with the insurance contract. 

Payment includes payment for death, injury or medical treatment and mature payment. Payment for death, injury or medical treatment refers to the money paid to insurant(or the beneficiary) in accordance with the life or health in surance contract when the insurant encounters accidents within the insured period covered in the contract. Mature payment refers to the mature payment to the in surantin accordance with the life insurance contract at the end of the insured period.

Ⅹ Ⅳ Education, Science and Technology 

Science and Technology Activity refer to organizational activity aim ed at developing, spreading and applying the scientific technology about natural science,agriculture science, medicine science, engineering and technology science, human and social science. In order to calculate the input of science and technology,science and technology activities are divided into R&D, Achievements App lying on Researches & Experiments Developing and Science and Technique Services.

Research and Experimental Development (R&D) refers to systematic and creative endeavor aimed at expanding the overall volume of knowledge and applying the knowledge in inventing new uses. It includes basic studies, application research and experimental development. For industrial enterprises, their R&D mainly belongs to experimental development activities. 

Basic Research refers to empirical or theoretical research aiming at obtaining new knowledge on the fundamental principles of phenomena of observable facts to reveal the nature and law of movement of objects and to acquire new discoveries or new theories. Basic research takes no specific or designated application as the aim of the research. Results of basic research are mainly released or disseminated in the form of scientific papers or monographs. 

Applied Research refers to creative research aiming at obtaining new knowledge on a specific objective or target. Purpose of the applied research is to identify the possible use of results from basic research, or to explore new (fundamental) methods or new approaches. Results of applied research are express ed in the form of scientific papers, monographs, fundamental models or invention patents. 

Experiments and Development refer to systematic activities aiming at using the knowledge from basic and applied researches or from practical experience to develop new products, materials and equipment, to establish new production process, system and service, or to make substantial improvement on the existing products, process and services. Results of experiment and development activities are embodied in patents, exclusive technology, monotype of new products or equipment. 

Achievements Applying on Researches & Experiments Developing It is meant that a lot of work is systematically taken to find solutions applicable both/either to technological problems in products, materials and devices put into production and in skills, systems and services into practical use. This kind of achievements include blueprint, technical standard and operating rules with technology and technological parameter for the purpose of production and practical operation. 

Science and Technique Services A forward movement in research of the science and development of experiment is a help in creation, spread and application of scientific and technological knowledge, including seven principal matters:(a) extending application, on scope, of an achievement in science and technique by setting an example related there to in popularization, (b) furnishing users with the systematic information on sciences and value-lasting documents as a study, (c) making technique-inquiring business available to users for requirement of technologies either by way of a suggestion or of a scheme, either analysis or feasibility report, (d) people observing day by day and/or listening and reporting on or testing, by apparatus, things appearing in or changes brought about by the nature and living beings, (e) inspecting and/or searching for resources, (f ) collecting, analyzing routinely and sorting out the general-purpose information on societies, humanities and economics, e.g. statistics and on-the-spot investigationon markets, (g) providing a test, standardization, measure, calculation, quality control and patent-related services to the society and the public, not t o industrial enterprises and/or firms engaged in the above items-developing dealings made available to their normal production and/or operation. 

ⅩⅤ Culture, Sports, Public Health and Others 

Viewer Rate refers to the ratio of the number of watching TV to the total population using normal television sets with outdoor antenna four meters a part from ground in the evening. 

Listener Rate refers to the ratio of the number of listening radio t o the total population using normal radiogram at noon. 

Cultural Institutions refer to units which have their own organizational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cultural development. They exclude other establishments run by these cultural institutions and amateur cultural groups established by various departments. 

Art Troupe refers to the troupe which is engaged in drama, opera, music, dance, acrobatics or other art performance, opens independent accounts with banks and has self-supporting accounting system. 

Film Projection Units refer to these units with film projection equipment,full or part-time projectionists, permanent or non-permanent places, approved by related administrative departments to show films regularly for certain groups of audience, including those film projection units which have been approved to give commercial shows and run business with independent accounting system a s well as those film-renting units of the military system. 

Stadiums refer to stadiums for track and field events with six track s around soccer fields, permanent track marks and permanent bleachers. 

Gymnasiums refer to indoor sports grounds with permanent seats in which basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis and gymnastics competitions can be held. 

Number of Athletes in Grades refers to the number of athletes who have been given titles through examination. The titles of athletes include international masters of sports, masters of sports, first-grade, second-grade and third -grade sportsmen and young athletes. 

Number of Referees in Grades refers to the number of referees who have been given titles after examination. They are classified as international referees, national referees and referees of the first, second and third grades. 

Medical Technical Personnel refer to all medical staff and workers employed by medical institutions, including doctors of Chinese and Western medicine, senior doctors who integrate traditional Chinese therapeutics with Western therapeutics in practice, senior nurses, pharmacists of Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory specialists, other specialists, paramedics of Chinese and Western medicine, nurses, midwives, druggists in Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory technicians, other technicians, other practitioners of Chinese medicine, nursing attendants, pharmacological workers of Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory workers, and other primary medical personnel. 

Doctors refer to qualified professional medical workers approved to practice by public health departments. They are classified into doctors of Chine se medicine, doctors of Western medicine, senior doctors who integrate tradition al Chinese therapeutics with Western therapeutics in practice, paramedics of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and other specialists of Chinese medicine.

Ⅹ Ⅶ Reform & Opening Up and Development of Market 

The Entrepreneur Confidence Index is an index made according to the entrepreneur's understanding, view, judgment and forecast of the market economic environment out of the enterprise and macroscopic policy. It reflects the entrepreneur's feeling and confidence in macroeconomic environment comprehensively. The enterprise confidence index by sectors is a reflection of the entrepreneur's understanding, view, judgment and forecast of the market economic environment out of his own sector. It is expressed by a pure positive number between 0 and 200 with 100 as the boundary value of climate index. 

The Climate Index of An Enterprise is an index made according to the entrepreneur's judgment and forecast of the comprehensive production and management. The climate index by sectors reflects the production and management of each sector comprehensively. It is expressed by a pure positive number between 0 and 200 with 100 as the boundary value. 
Employees Supply and Demand Dealings Market It is often known as an office to which employees made an application for having been either supplied o r demanded daily. The principal datum there of are including numbers of the mark et entrance-making sectors or enterprises, of employees suppliers and demanders registered together with their agreements to have been reached between them. 

Technique Dealings Market It can be regarded narrowly as technical-dealings office where technique transfer is made or technology-related goods traded at certain time. As shown in statistical datum presently, turnovers are resulting either from purchase or from transfer of techniques, together with numbers related to the inquiry or services involved in technologies. 

Real Estate Dealings Market It means working at the real estate-rela
ted development, production, exchange and consumption, all, those are shown in such datum either as incomes arising there from, or square meters of houses purchased or sold and turnovers there from, or square meters for houses offered for renting and amounts received accordingly, or square ones for houses sold to individual and corresponding funds. or as total numbers for each piece of and square meters of the state-owned land, which the owner there of (the lessor) agrees to let another (lessee) have right to use.



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